Stand firm in love!

Image result for stand firmTHE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 10:21-25
“The one who stands firm to the end will be saved.” (Matthew 10:22)
I have never been hated because of Jesus.
Some people I know may snicker at my religious gullibility, or naive beliefs.
Do I experience little resistance because I’m not out there enough for Jesus?
To be like my teacher, I need to do what He did, to speak, love and serve like He did.
To be honest, I do not like being hated, and that does limit me.
The feeling of fear of what people might think does pressure me within to hold back.
Also the desire to not look like a fool, or be seen like a religious extremist.
Satan stirs up these feelings and desires, and uses opposition to silence Jesus’ witnesses.
The goal is not to be spiritually obnoxious or annoying, but to go overboard loving people.
Gain a reputation as someone who loves like Jesus.
Satan will whip up resistance, perhaps even hatred, but “stand firm” in His love to the end.
If people hate you for doing good, and being loving, that is THEIR issue.
“Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. ‘Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened.'” (1 Peter 3:13-14)
This passage is not a call to seek persecution, it is a call to stand firm in the way of Jesus!
And when Satan stirs the pot against you, stand firm to the end, the love of Jesus will triumph!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, make me a fanatic for grace, mercy, peace and love. I do not seek persecution, but may I not be held back by it either. I want to be like You in the best way possible!


  1. We almost have similar posts today! 🙂
    I have been hated before because of my faith in Jesus. Hate and bullied by people who were supposed to by my friends. And the funny thing is I didn’t shove Jesus down their throat. I am not a religious advocate sort of girl. I just tried to love greatly but somehow by loving greatly it appeared to them I was weak and unable to be who and what I am without Jesus. Well, it’s true. I can’t be who I am and do what I do in my own flesh. To actively love all the time when someone does hurt you, when someone does betray you, when someone is bullying you would be extremely tough in my own flesh. But nothing gives me more joy than trying to love like He does. And that fear of what others think of me, or hate me to let it go because 99% of the time they dislike you because you aren’t reacting the way they think you should and it’s really never personal. Jesus had many who loved Him but also hated Him and I am encouraged in how He responds to the haters. That’s how I want to be.

  2. Standing on the promises of God.
    Stand firm upon the Rock.
    Stay faithful.
    Make sure that you are in fellowship with believers for together we are strong.
    Each day I need to dress the armour of God so that I can live the fruit of the Spirit.
    I need to be Spirit lead so that I can be GodStrong.
    Lord help me to live for You each day anew.

    Living for Jesus, a life that is true,
    Striving to please Him in all that I do;
    Yielding allegiance, glad-hearted and free,
    This is the pathway of blessing for me.

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