update from Tim in Mexico

tapiasYesterday Kelly, Pablo and I were trying to play baseball and some girl kept asking us for our full names on a piece of paper. Anyways we didn’t give them to her. Later on ‘Tequila’ came by and she asked her for her full name. She asked why and the girl said so that her mom could put a curse on the Tapias. Anyways we told Tim and Matt and it turns out that her mom is actually a witch and she was probably serious. So there is a little bit of unrest and we are getting ready for some real spiritual warfare.

There are no groups staying here right now so we are just doing daily errands and cleaning. Two days ago we went to Chavira and helped with a free dental clinic. Matt and I got to fix tables, which is easier said than done when you are working with missionary equipment, so it took us all day. Today we are at the office and we are picking up Jose from the airport. We went to a park last night and played basketball and baseball by the border and it was fun – everybody showed up. There are 2 guys here that I have had the opportunity to start a relationship with, Pablo and Cheuy. Could pray for all of us down here? Pray that God will continue to work in us and through us. Some of the people living here are hitting spiritual lows and they need encouragement.

One Comment

  1. Tim, a great thing to remember is that we do not need to ask who this mom is or what her name is – the Lord knows and we will pray that God will reverse her prayers into blessings in the strong name of Jesus! We pray that the Spirit of God will mightily release her of this stronghold and fill her with His Spirit – may God be the Glory for great things He will do. We uplift you all into God’s presence – we stand around you in the power of prayer.

    We lift up Pablo and Cheuy as well – may you continue to be a blessing to them and show God’s love through your lives.

    Blessings, protection, strength and love to you all in the name of Jesus our Lord and Saviour,
    Love the Wielinga’s

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