Denouncing disposable marriage!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 5:31-32
“Makes her the victim of adultery.” (Matthew 5:31)
In Jesus’ day, divorce was a one-sided matter, only men divorced their wives.
Jesus is not denouncing the wives here, they were the victims.
It is the men who legally could take and drop wives easily, for any excuse.
This still happens today, though now without the bother of marriage.
Ever since the curse of Genesis 3, women (and children) have been treated poorly.
“Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.” (Genesis 3:16)
This is not how it is supposed to be, this is the the result of sin!
History and current events bear this out, women and children abused and discarded.
The marriage and family covenant is precious to God, and to us… or ought to be.
Jesus is not giving legal definitions for when divorce or remarriage is permitted.
He is denouncing ‘disposable marriages’, and the selfish attitudes causing them.
Jesus says to the men of his day, but to all people of any time!
Stop treating each other as possessions, stop treating marriage and family as disposable.
The victims of adultery (unfaithfulness) continue to pile up today!
Poverty, depression, violence and suicide are often tied to broken marriages and families.
In my pastoral work, there is almost always marriage and family issues in the background.
Marriage and family breakdown today are at crisis levels, but we act as if it is normal.
Jesus is not denouncing the victims here, He is denouncing the attitudes that produce the victims!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, how much misery we bring into the world because of broken marriages and families. Thank You for speaking up for the victims!

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