The right side of your ‘But!’

Image result for choose hopeTHE STORY OF JESUS: Psalm 13
“But I trust in your unfailing love…” (Psalm 13)
This one word ‘but’ is the critical turning point in this song.
The author is genuinely troubled, feeling abandoned and unloved.
Their mind is a battleground of fear, doubt, sorrow and despair – they feel defeated.
They are desperate, they feel like dying – ever felt that way?
In my mind battles, either I give in to negative thinking, or somehow refuse it.
The word ‘but’ is this persons attempt to direct their thinking to hope.
They do not deny their situation… BUT I will trust, I will rejoice, I will sing!
Our soul will follow our minds; if our minds end in down position, our whole being will follow.
Consider these two sentences:
— ‘The Lord has been good to me… BUT I HAVE SORROW IN MY HEART!
— ‘I have sorrow in my heart… BUT THE LORD HAS BEEN GOOD TO ME!
If the negative tone follows the BUT, that’s where I soul stays.
Pay attention to your thoughts, where are they dwelling?
Listen to your conversations, where are they focusing?
This is a battle, it is spiritual warfare, and the enemy wants you to end with despair.
Take up the sword of hope and slay the beast of defeat and despair.
We all fall on our butts in life, but choose to land on the right side of your ‘but’.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I can relate to these mind battles, I go through them all the time. I know the struggle will continue, BUT I WILL TRUST YOU, I WILL OVERCOME, FOR YOU HAVE BEEN GOOD TO ME!

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