Healing presence!

healingTHE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 8:14-17
“‘He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.'”(Matthew 8:17, Isaiah 53:4)
Our world is soul-sick, we are infected to the very core of our being.
This soul sickness has many symptoms: mental, social, physical, emotional, etc.
Billions and billions of dollars are spent to try to find cures… but we’re still sick.
We’re combatting the symptoms, while ignoring the root cause.
Jesus comes to address the root cause, our alienation from God.
In Jesus, God steps into our soul-sick world, endures our sickness in order to restore our souls.
With a touch, we discover that we are not alone, without God, without hope.
With a word, we experience relief and release from the symptoms, and the sickness.
Our spirits are released from the dark spirits that burden and abuse us.
Healing is the result of a restored connection with God through Jesus.
What good is physical healing or health, when our hearts are still sick?
To be loved is more important than to be healed; in fact healing without love is not healing.
Jesus calls us not just to heal people, but to love people – the healing will follow.
To go to people in their soul sick conditions, and ‘touch’ them with God’s love.
Read here how the early Christians spread the healing of love through horrible plagues.
We see the symptoms of soul-sickness all around us today: mental, social, physical, emotional, etc.
Are we stepping in, or stepping way; are we connecting with them in love, or avoiding contact?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You have carried me in my soul-sickness, You are healing me with love and hope. Help me to join You on the front-lines of misery, to extent Your healing presence.

One Comment

  1. Jesus heals Peter’s mother-in-law and we read that not only is she well physically but also returns to serve Him – the community. She offers hospitality. Born to serve. When sickness overtakes us we loose our place and the ability to serve.
    The same was true for the demon possessed – they were outcasts – loosing their minds, self control and their ability to be part of a community.
    Jesus comes to take care of us – our physical needs and communal needs. He restores – the right relationship to God, eachother and ourselves. With His healing we are placed right with God and with one another so that we can do oneanothering. Created to serve in the Master’s garden.
    Lord, help us on our way.

    Out in the highways and byways of life,
    many are weary and sad;
    are weary and sad
    Carry the sunshine where darkness is rife
    making the sorrowing glad.

    Make me a blessing,
    Make me a blessing,
    Out of my life
    out of my life
    May Jesus shine;
    Make me a blessing, O savior, I pray,
    I pray Thee, my Savior,
    Make me a blessing to someone today.

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