Rock solid!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 7:24-29
“Like a foolish man who built his house on sand.” (Matthew 7:26)
The things Jesus says sound foolish, illogical and difficult.
Blessed are the persecuted, love your enemies, turn the other cheek?!?
But all of these examples fit within the broader appeal for radical, gracious love.
And herein is the deeper wisdom of what Jesus says, what Jesus does.
Grace (or radical love) is the ONLY way to overcome evil, my own and others.
It is the God way, the good way, and therefore the wisest way.
The things that appear wise to us – revenge, bitterness, self interest – only make things worse.
They come easy, but end badly – like a house built on a sandy foundation.
God treats us graciously, and through Jesus teaches us this as well.
And yet so many people foolishly choose the way of selfishness, anger and bitterness.
Thankfully, grace continues even after our lives crash, and He still invites us back.
Be honest, where are you making foolish choices, despite Jesus’ warnings?
What things are you choosing to do, or not do, that you know are not wise?
Hear the gracious loving appeal of Jesus: ‘don’t do it, choose Me!’
Sadly, some people can only learn by crashing first.
And at that moment, Jesus will not come with an ‘I told you so!’
But with a gracious, loving heart and hand reaching to us, saying, ‘C’mon, lets try again!’
Grace and love are the ONLY way to break the cycle of sin, selfishness and suffering.
A rock-solid foundation for a life that will not crash!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I hear what You are saying to me, and I know its true. Thank You for Your patient, gracious love, help me to build my life upon it!

One Comment

  1. To hear means to do.
    If one doesn’t do, one did not hear but went his own way.
    I must read my Bible every day
    as I live this day
    remember what I read
    in all I do this day
    respond in the Bible Way.
    To Love = To Know = To Do
    Lord help me this day to apply Your Word in all I say and Do. Make me GodStrong
    walking with You in all I do and say this day.
    Built upon the Rock.
    A firm foundation.

    1. How firm a foundation, ye Saints of the Lord,
    Is laid for your faith in his excellent word!
    What more can he say than to you he hath said,
    Who unto the Savior, who unto the Savior,
    Who unto the Savior for refuge have fled?

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