Who is your audience?

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 6:16-18
“So that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting…” (Matthew 6:18)
Jesus is addressing the underlying motives behind our piety or good deeds.
Do we make huge donations, or make ourselves appear pious, for others to see?
I know growing up in the church, keeping up appearances was often considered.
How we dressed, how we behaved, how we followed certain religious traditions…
‘What will people think???’
His point is that if our religion is a show for people, then their applause will be the only reward.
Pretending to do something good for God so that people are impressed, doesn’t impress God.
Jesus is addressing a specific issue in His day among the religious leaders.
How might He address this issue to me, how might He challenge the motives of my heart?
Honestly, I am also somewhat motivated by ‘what will people think’, in an opposite way.
I tend to downplay my religion, to hide my commitment to God, because of what people will think.
In today’s context, ‘doing things for God’ is less likely to lead to applause.
But the real issue is, am I doing what I do for God, for Jesus?
Is He my audience, is His delight my delight… even if no one else cares or approves?
How might I live my life if I actually lived only for an Audience of One!
“Your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” (v.18)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, we all have our own ways of putting on a good show for others. Help me to be more aware of the Father and You watching me with pleasure, wanting me to know Your smiles are the greatest reward!

One Comment

  1. Fasting and prayer go together.
    Living the Christian life each day shows that there is no completion – we are all under construction. God is not finished with us yet. And until we meet Him, keep the channels of communication open so that
    – we can be shown the errors of our ways,
    – continue our striving to know Him more
    – help us walk in His light
    – share His goodness with those around us for He provides
    – for His daily guidance
    — for being refreshed in the Lord
    – for total restoration one day
    and in the meantime – to walk in His SonShine – always in His presence.

    In your presence there is comfort,
    In your presence there is peace,
    When we seek my Fathers heart,
    We will find such blessed assurance
    and ever open door
    To know our savior more,
    In the presence of my Lord.

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