
If I am a ChristianTHE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 6:5-8
“And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans.” (Matthew 6:7)
Prayer is not a technique for getting God to do what we ask.
It is not the eloquence nor the abundance of words that impresses God.
And yet, you wouldn’t get that impression from Christians – or pastors – today.
Compare how simple Jesus’ prayers were, with how ‘wordy’ our prayers can be.
Simply talk, and talk simply… or KISS, ‘keep it simple stupid’.
Or as the Teacher put it, “The more the words, the less the meaning, and how does that profit anyone?” (Ecclesiastes 6:11)
I know people who won’t pray because they think they can’t.
What they mean is they can’t do it like they hear other Christians pray.
Flowery words, extensive quotes from scripture, and run-on sentences.
I lead prayer in my church, and I often find myself piling on the words – babbling.
We don’t need to explain the whole situation to God, He already knows!
Compare Jesus simple words ‘Give us this day our daily bread’ to these…
Holy Lord, almighty Father, eternal God, graciously deign to bless this bread with Thy spiritual benediction that all who eat it may have health of body and soul and that they may be protected against all sickness and against all the snares of their enemies. Through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, the living bread that came down from heaven and giveth life and salvation to the world; who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, forever and ever. Amen.
No wonder people think they can’t pray.
May we learn to pray like little children, simple and trusting, and not like those who babble.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, teach me to pray simply too.

One Comment

  1. Lord, teach me how to pray.
    There are many a formula on prayer, many examples our parents taught us, many memorized prayers, but the real prayer comes from your what lies on your own heart. All too often we feel intimidated by the examples around us. My talks with God is learning to share myself with Him when I rise in the morning and when I fall asleep at night and all the time between – no formula but talks with my Father throughout the day sharing my life with Him as I walk in His ‘SonShine’ for the JOY of the Lord God is my strength – my lifeline. As a small child puts his hand in his father’s hand, so I too need to daily put my hand in His as we walk together through each day walking and talking.

    1 Peter and John went to pray;
    they met a lame man on the way.
    He asked for alms and held out his palms,
    and this is what Peter did say:

    2 “Silver and gold have I none,
    but what I have I give to you.
    In the name of Jesus Christ
    of Nazareth, rise up and walk!”

    3 He went walking and jumping and praising God,
    walking and jumping and praising God.
    “In the name of Jesus Christ
    of Nazareth, rise up and walk.”

    This song came to my mind, especially verse three – he went walking and jumping/talking and praising God.

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