Forgetting the helpless?

“Do not forget the helpless.” (Psalm 10:12)
I just read Viktor Frankl’s account of life in Nazi concentration camps.
What the guards did to their prisoners… it’s pure evil!
They acted exactly like the ‘wicked’ described in this psalm.
All of us have sin in our hearts, but not all of us give it free reign like this.
All over the world, all through history, there have been victims of this evil.
This psalm expresses the cry, and the hope, of the helpless.
Like Abel’s blood, it cries out to God, in judgment against the wicked (Genesis 4:10).
God will show mercy to the helpless and the humble, through Jesus’ blood (Hebrews 12:24).
Even the wicked can find mercy from God, if they humbly admit their crimes.
Murderers can find pardon if they genuinely repent of their sin.
But as long as anyone rejects God and His mercy, and lets sin reign in their lives…
They are under a curse, and they will be exposed and deposed.
Frankl noticed a change in the Nazi guards behaviour in the last days of the war.
They suddenly realized they were in trouble and tried to be nice to the prisoners.
This was not repentance, it was selfish fear, only for their own skin.
I read this Psalm as an encouragement to the helpless that God will not forget.
I also read it as a challenge to me not to forget the helpless either.
The day of justice is coming, and only the genuinely humble will be lifted up.
Jesus is on the side of the helpless… am I; Jesus hears the cries of victims… do I?
Am I complicit with evil by my inaction?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I am not helpless like this, and I am not cruel like this either. But there are helpless people all around me. Help me not to forget the helpless either, help me not to be complicit to evil by inaction.

One Comment

  1. God seems afar off for the Psalmist. The wicked seems to be prospering. The wicked are boastful, greedy, proud, deceitful, and oppressive. These keep the wicked away from the Lord. And we cry out to the Lord not to forget us. He sees all. The Lord, He is King and He will hear our cry.
    All His people must do as we find in Micah 6:8 – to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with God.
    Are the five sins also part of my life? In all hings I must remember that God is always near me and He is my Rock, Redeemer and Tower of strength.

    He’s worthy, God’s worthy,
    Almighty Creator,
    Alpha, Omega, Beginning and the End.
    Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty,
    which was and is,
    and is to come.


    Chorus 2
    Blessing and glory,
    wisdom and power,
    God of my rock,
    in Him will I trust.
    My strong tower and my refuge,
    Savior, Deliverer and Soon Coming King.

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