Twisted, yet chosen!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Genesis 18:1-20:18
“Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through him.” (Genesis 18:18)
Have you ever heard the phrase, ‘how odd of God to choose the Jews?’
I find all these stories ‘odd’ or ‘twisted’…
Lot’s town wanting to rape the visitors, Lot offering his daughter?
Lot’s impregnates his daughters, Abraham’s wife with another man?
How can these stories reveal God and His will, they seem so… twisted?
But there are important lessons in this, lessons repeated through the bible.
God entrusts this world to humans; in love He keeps on working through them despite our sin.
He will fulfill His promise to BLESS ALL NATIONS ON EARTH through us, despite how twisted we get.
The whole bible is filled with ‘twisted’ stories which God works through.
Only Jesus is not twisted, He is the first righteous human, the son of God (Luke 3:38).
God restores His kingdom in Jesus, the righteous Adam, and is setting things straight.
In grace He gathers messed up people, to use them to bless all the nations on earth.
We are God’s chosen, graced servants, sent to bring God’s blessing to the world.
As twisted as our stories get, God will still use us – one way or another.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, how odd of You to choose me. The twists and turns of my story may be different than those of Abraham and Lot, but they’re still twisted. Thank You for the blessing of Your grace and mercy.

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