listen to Jesus!

SCRIPTURE: Exodus 23
While he was still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them, and a voice from the cloud said, ‘This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!’ [Matthew 17:5] Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promise to send His angel along the way and to bring His people to the place He has prepared. He is cloud that goes ahead of them, the cloud that protects them from the Egyptians [Exodus 13:21-22, 14:19-20].

The Son of God, or the Word of God, the pre-incarnate Christ, the second person of the trinity, was with Israel in the wilderness [1 Corinthians 5:1-10]. When we speak about Jesus, we are speaking about the incarnation of the eternal Son of God. Jesus is the ultimate revelation of God to us, the fullness of God in a body. When we see and hear Jesus, we are seeing God made visible, to help us in our spiritual blindness.

We need to listen to Jesus above all. He was revealed in shadowy ways prior to His birth. The laws and the words or the prophets were veiled and limited glimpses into what would made most clear in Jesus. There are hints in these laws of Moses, but they are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ. [Colossians 2:17].

This is why I personally place the gospels at the center of my bible-reading. Hearing, seeing (with my imagination) Jesus, I see and hear God. He is the One that God tells me to listen to, above all else. I use His words and His actions to help me understand the rest of the bible (the old testament as well as the new testament). This is why I have a gospel reading at the beginning of each daily reflection. If there is an apparent conflict between the two, I lean towards the gospels to make my final interpretation.

When I read Exodus 23, I read it through the lens of Jesus. The laws of justice and mercy, the Sabbath laws, the annual festivals and the angel leading them – all these become most clear in Jesus. There are still fuzzy details in these old testament passages, but I try not to get bogged down in technical interpretations – these promote controversies rather than God’s work – which is by faith [1 Timothy 1:4]. So in the end, I echo God’s message in both passages: Listen to Him, to Jesus! [Exodus 23:21, Matthew 17:5].

Lord, help me to keep my focus on You, and to keep Your words and Your example ever before me, to lead me to the life You have prepared for me.

One Comment

  1. Rules for daily living.
    The people had been living among the Egyptians and needed a reminder that God is their God and He will continue to lead and guide them if they but follow the instructions. In order to have life, true life, worship Him and He will be with you always. Live and do this, is also what Jesus said in the New Testament. Yet all too often we go our own way on our own steam – without Him. As God gave the instructions for daily living for the new land the Israelites were to inherit – a new beginning with Him, so too I need to follow the daily instructions given in His Word for me today. I need to be a Jesus follower – a disciple – Christian by name, shown by what I do and say. Live and do this is what the Master said. Do this and live!

    Peter went with James and John
    Jesus led them to a mountain
    A voice from heaven said
    A voice from heaven said to them
    “Listen to Him”
    You gotta listen to Him
    Listen to Him

    His shining face like the sun
    His shining face shone to everyone
    His clothes became as white
    His clothes became as white as light
    Listen to Him

    You gotta listen to Him (listen to Him)
    You gotta listen to Him (listen to Him)

    Moses and Elijah talking there with Jesus
    A cloud enveloped them
    Terrified, the disciples face down to the ground
    Looked up and the only one they found was Jesus
    Glorified, Glorified

    This is My Son whom I love
    This is My Son whom I love
    With Him I am well pleased
    With Him I am well pleased
    Listen to Him

    You better listen to Him (listen to Him)
    Wo listen to Him (listen to Him)
    Listen, listen, listen because:

    This is My Son whom I love
    This is My Son whom I love
    With Him I am well pleased
    With Him I am well pleased
    Listen to Him

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