the tender commitments

January 5, 2009

SCRIPTURE: Exodus 20
Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” [Matthew 22:37-40] What do we learn about God and life from the 10 commandments? That loving God and people is the heartbeat of God’s creation.

The Jews failed to move beyond the fear of Mt Sinai and missed the heart of God’s Law – love. As we saw yesterday, God wants to have a personal, loving relationship with us. He is love, and He created us to live in His love, to receive it and to express it. Paradise (or the kingdom of God) is simply this world established in God’s love. God is not interested in religious rituals. The prohibition against ‘dressed’ (fancy, carved) stones and stairs for altars was to keep their worship simple, authentic. No statues, no fancy altars, just humble hearts loving God and being loved.

God is not impressed by our religious rituals or observances – just honour Him sincerely, and treat people with respect. Jesus makes it clear again and again that He is not looking for religious performance, but changed hearts and lives.

For today this means: don’t get sidetracked by fancy churches or homes or Sunday clothes, don’t base your religion on following rules or religious activities (going to church, tithing, acts of charity, fasting, etc.). What God wanted then, what God wants now is simple, authentic love and respect for God and people. This is what all the bible (law, prophets, psalms, historical books, etc.) is getting at. This is what Jesus is getting at.

There’s nothing wrong with the 10 commandments, when understood as a model for a loving heart. But if the observance of these rules is not connected to the heart, then it is nothing but meaningless rituals. Think of a husband or wife following 10 rules for loving their spouse (clean the house, give flowers, surprise with a gift, take them out for dinner, etc.), and perfectly following these rules, but not loving their spouse – how meaningless these actions would be.

Lord, help me to love You and honour You, and to love and respect ALL people. This is the ‘religion’ You are looking for!

One Comment

  1. LORD, thank You for Your Redeeming love, the power of redemption and all that this means for us as Christ followers.

    LORD, thank You that in my weakness, You are made strong. How great and mighty You are!

    LORD, forgive me for the things that I allow to hinder my relationship with You. Thank You LORD for Your unending forgiveness and that through Your Son, Jesus Christ, I can come to You when I mess up, experience the power of Your forgiveness and allow You to redirect me. LORD, help me to live, to be the kind of grace that You have so freely shown to me. Thank You LORD that it is not about me and being able to earn my way…. Thank You LORD for Your word that guides us, teaches us and gives direction.

    LORD, teach me to worship You in Spirit and in Truth. Fill me to overflowing with Your love and grace so that it will spill out to all those whom You place in my path today and all the tomorrows that lay ahead. Help me LORD, in the power of Your Holy Spirit to be Your Kingdom worker in this broken and hurting world. Thank You LORD that nothing is impossible for You and that yes, You can and do use me……

    More of You LORD, more of You……..

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