THE STORY OF JESUS: Romans 7:13-20
“I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.” (Romans 7:15)
Is there something in your life that you should change, but don’t?
Do you have a habit or behavior that is not good for you, but you do it anyway?
Or have you tried to stop doing something, but can’t seem to break it?
You are experiencing the power of SIN, the human condition that affects all of us.
Anyone who is addicted to something knows this power.
Like Paul, they are frustrated by the grip that this inward force holds on us.
Not just the obvious things, like alcohol, or drugs, or some sexual practices.
Spending money, lying, becoming angry, procrastination, making excuses, swearing…
Negative thoughts, words or behaviors… things we don’t want to do, but still do.
“For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature.” (Romans 7:18)
Paul is describing SIN (the underlying condition), not just sins (the specific bad things we do).
It is an inner propensity to undermine and ruin our own lives.
THIS is what we need help from, THIS is what plagues all of humanity.
THIS is what keeps our world from getting better, or our hopes and dreams becoming reality.
Like a submarine with a crack in the hull, we MUST address the problem, or we will sink.
But if you think its a simple matter of self-control or self-help, your fooling yourself.
Ever tried stopping an addictive behavior?
‘We admitted we were powerless over alcohol – that our lives had become unmanageable.’
This is the first step of the twelve step process from overcoming alcohol.
And it is the first step of overcoming the power of sin in our life.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I can’t, but You can. My hope lies in You, not in my ability to control my life. I know the grip of SIN in my life, but I trust the grip of Your love!