The Spirit of Jesus speaks

THE STORY OF JESUS: John 14:25-27
“The Holy Spirit… will teach you all things.” (John 14:26)
While on earth, Jesus spoke directly to His disciples, teaching them God’s ways.
Now that He is gone (in body), He is with us in Spirit.
The Spirit of Jesus, of God, is in us and continues to teach us.
Jesus continues to speak, and teach, by His Spirit, like He did in the gospels.
But do we hear His Voice, do we pay attention to what His Spirit says.
Sadly, even when He was on earth, not everyone heard Him or listened.
“Will remind you of everything I have said to you.” (John 14:26)
The Spirit does not whisper new information, but echoes what Jesus taught.
Blessed are the meek, turn the other cheek, forgive and love your enemy.
These Spirit messages will come into our hearts and minds… from Jesus.
He still calls us to humility, warns us about greed or pride, urges us to be merciful.
And He whispers peace and courage when our world is all messed up.
Can You hear His Spirit whisper, ‘I am with you, to the very end!’
Pay attention to those encouraging or challenging thoughts or impressions.
Teaching, rebuking, correcting, training in right living, this is how the Spirit of Jesus speaks.
Not every thought that comes to mind is from the Spirit.
But the better we know Jesus’ words and life in scripture, the better we will discern His Voice.
He’s the One telling us to love, forgive, serve, show mercy, trust Him.
“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I often have thoughts that encourage or challenge or call me in a good way. I know Your Voice, I just don’t always like what I hear.

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