prayer warriors

SCRIPTURE: Exodus 17
‘Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.’ [Luke 22:31] The wilderness symbolizes times when our faith is tested. Our spiritual enemy uses these times to turn us against God, to make us doubt, grumble, turn away. What a comfort to know that in these times of testing, Jesus is interceding on our behalf.

I have prayed for you. While Joshua is fighting the battle on the ground, Moses is praying on the mountain, through the whole battle. Greater than Moses is Jesus, Who names us before God unceasingly, without tiring. The lesson in this for us is two-fold.

First, we can count on the support of the Lord and others as we go through our battles. We certainly are under attack. Every day things happen that lure us away from God, away from trusting or serving Him. Every day we are “spiritually sifted” by our Enemy, a process whereby our faith is screened to look for weaknesses and impurities, to break it down and unravel it. And alongside of Jesus are the Aaron’s and Hur’s, who pray as well. Unknown to us, people are praying for us. We are not alone.

The second lesson in this is in Jesus’ words to Peter, to strengthen his brothers. In other words, don’t just rely on the prayer support of others, be that prayer support for others too. Be aware of the struggles others are going through, and pray for them, often. It is a war zone out there, and many people are stumbling. They are facing challenges or shortages of some sort, and they are beginning to doubt, grumble or turn away. They need us to support them, with our prayers, words of encouragement and assistance.

One final thought, as you go through the daily struggle, lift up your eyes to the hills, to where Jesus is. Visualize Him standing with His hands lifted up over you, supporting you with spiritual strength for the battle. Like Joshua and the Israelites, be encouraged by that visual, and stand firm, trusting that He Who is with us is greater than he that is against us.

Lord, thank You for allowing me to visualize You standing over me right now, with Your hands lifted over me. I am inspired to stand firm today!

One Comment

  1. Sometimes it seems like the people on the front line are far more important. Here we see how important it is that Moses prayed for the battle. He was in the battle himself though it may not look like it. Then he needs help and two people supported him until the job was done.
    All people on the front line need Moses’ to uphold them. Being a Moses or a Moses’ helper are essential parts of any work of God.
    It is hard praying alone where noone sees. It is easy to get busy.

    Oh Lord, please forgive me for getting busy with other things and not doing the prayer work You have given me. I am sorry. Please, only You can enable me to do the things that You call me to do. Let me not forget how neccessary it is…..

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