go and tell

SCRIPTURE: Exodus 15
As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon-possessed begged to go with him. Jesus did not let him, but said, “Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.’ [Mark 5:18-19] When people have experienced a miracle, it’s natural for them to want to savour that moment, to enjoy the feeling of God’s goodness and power. At those times, it’s natural to tell people about it. It’s a miracle!

If only we could linger in these holy moments. If only we could always be on the mountaintop, singing and celebrating what God has done. The Israelites naturally partied on the shores of the red sea. Their cruel slave masters were finally defeated, justice has been served. Think of the Jews celebrating in WW2 after the Nazis were finally defeated! The man that Jesus released from demon-possession also wanted to linger by the shore with Jesus. He wanted to stay with Jesus, and go wherever He went.

But Jesus would not let him. Go and tell your family what God has done for you! At first this would be easy, but as time went on, no doubt it would be harder. Life’s challenges would get in the way of his testimony. The real test of his testimony about Jesus would be after he leaves the mountaintop of Jesus’ presence and enters the valley of daily life. When the Israelites left the shore of the red sea, they soon started grumbling again. From worship to whining.

The Lord is challenging us to testify to God’s goodness not just in the moment, but always, no matter what. This is our mission, “go and tell!” Yes, worship Him on the mountaintop, but also when life gets hard. Keep on telling people about God’s goodness, even when it’s harder to see. Keep on repeating the God-moments, even when they stop happening for a season. We do not always experience powerful God-moments. At those times we need to feed on the memories of moments past, and the hope of moments to come. Like the Psalmist, we remember how God worked in the past, and trust Him to act in the future [Psalm 42:1-11].

Take time to remember God’s goodness in 2008, on the mountaintops and in the valleys. Then go into 2009 telling others what God has done for you!

Lord, help me to reflect on all Your blessings in 2008, and to go forward in faith into 2009, declaring Your goodness, no matter what happens.

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