What’s behind my mood swings?

THE STORY OF JESUS: Esther 5:5-10
“Haman went out that day happy and in high spirits. But when he saw Mordecai… he was filled with rage. (Esther 5:9)
Haman switches from high spirits to being filled with rage.
What do both of these moods have in common?
They are both rooted in his selfishness, his being full of himself.
You would think having so much going for him, he could ignore this one slight.
But the sinful heart is sick, it is never satisfied or at peace.
What is behind my mood swings, do they reveal my own self-love?
Instead of feeding the beast within, we ought to expose the beast within.
God is at work in all our circumstances, revealing our gtrue heart to us.
The proper response is honesty, humility and repentance.
To admit my greed, my selfishness, my pride, my lust, etc.
Until we look within, and allow God to reveal our hearts to us, we will remain trapped.
“What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight.” (James 4:1-2)
We will not find happiness, and our spirits will not remain high.
It is easy to see where Haman is going wrong… but can I see it in myself?
The Spirit is using Haman’s story to challenge me to be honest with myself.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, search me and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” (Psalm 139:23-24)

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    Esther’s appearance before the king was special and now the banquet?
    The king knows that there is a reason for the banquet because he asks ‘What is your request?’
    Haman is a proud man and doesn’t see the reason for the banquet except that he feels honoured and proud that he of all people was asked to come. And then asked to come again. What an honour!
    Yet seeing Mordecai, the man not willing to bow down to him, Haman probably wanted to kill him at that moment. His ego was hurt and to heal that hurt he went home to boast about the party for he knew that Mordecai’s day would come. Haman is only happy when he himself is elevated and the centre of attention. A man full of himself – pride. And pride goes before the fall.
    Haman was a man full of hot air – like an east wind – full of nothing.
    I need to be full of the Spirit – leading and guiding me in the way I need to go also on this day – serving my King.

    Lead me, guide me along the way
    For if you lead me I cannot stray
    Or just open my eyes that I may see
    Lead me oh Lord, won’t you lead me
    I am lost if you take your hand from me
    I am blind without try light to see

    Lord just always let me Thy servant be
    Lead me oh Lord, won’t you lead me
    Lead me, guide me along the way
    For if you lead me I cannot stray

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