God wants you to help!

PictureTHE STORY OF JESUS: Esther 4:6-14
“For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish.” (Esther 4:14)
We are free to love or hate, to do good, or do bad, or do nothing.
God created us with free will, which explains why our world is a mess.
But our freedom doers not stop God from accomplishing His purpose.
He wants us to work with Him, as His partners, but He will work around us too.
Mordecai senses that the destiny of the Jews is secure.
One way or another, relief and deliverance will come, whether we help or not.
God’s ultimate purpose is to establish His new creation for humans, with humans.
His original plan was to use us as partners, but when sinned, He found another way.
God does not work solo, He finds a way to work with us, despite our weaknesses and sins.
He guides and directs the outcomes, uses our choices – good and bad – for His plan.
He does not force us, and we will be held accountable; but we cannot stop Him.
I have the freedom to help Jesus in restoring God’s kingdom.
If I do not join in, if I choose selfish paths and agendas, I will perish.
Our world desperately needs humans to rise up for God, to join in the battle for goodness.
But if we don’t Jesus will find another way… and we will miss out.
Lots to think about this week, as the Spirit uses Mordecai to challenge ME.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You do not force me, You invite me. Today I have the opportunity to do something good, if I have eyes to see it. Open my eyes to see where I need to speak out, rise up, take a stand for good.

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    Esther could not go to the king whenever she wanted – only when requested. Yet You and I may always appear in His courts because of what Jesus Christ has done for us. We may share all of our woes. concerns, joys, happiness with Him at anytime. We need to live lives of gratitude in service to the King.
    And since we are His we need to venture out in service – serving in the kingdom with the talents given. As Esther was afraid coming before the king, we too need to venture in His presence with our prayers for you and I have also come to our royal positions for such a time as this.
    We are servants of the King and as I approach a new chapter as an IRM in Zambia, I need to place my hand in His as He continues to lead and guide me in the Way I need to go.

    From heaven You came helpless babe,
    And taught our world, Your glory veiled,
    Not to be served, but to serve,
    You gave Your life, That we might live.

    This is our God, The servant King
    He calls us now, to follow Him,
    To bring our lives, as a daily offering,
    Of worship to, the servant King.

    There in the garden of tears,
    My heavy load, He chose to bear,
    His heart with sorrow was torn,
    Yet not My will, but Yours He said.


    Come see His hands and His feet,
    The scars that speak of sacrifice,
    Hand that flung stars into space,
    To cruel nails surrendered.


    So let us learn how to serve,
    And in our lives enthrone Him,
    Each others needs to prefer,
    For it is Christ we’re serving.

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