Overcoming the curse of abuse!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Esther 1:9-18
“Queen Vashti refused to come. Then the king became furious and burned with anger.” (Esther 1:12)
Pompous king wants to show off his trophy wife, she refuses and he goes into a fit of rage.
Part of the context of this story is the abused status of women in the world then.
Women were for sex, pleasure, they were the possessions of men – sold as slaves or as wives.
Queen Vashti had a privileged position, but she was still the king’s possession.
The bible is recording this behaviour – not condoning or mandating it.
The battle of the sexes is not a part of God’s original design, it is part of the curse.
Most abuse is directed from men to women, and it is usually some form of rage or passion.
At least today it is recognized as unlawful; here the king consults the lawyers to justify his anger.
Our world today continues to show signs of the curse, of injustice and anger and violence.
Jesus comes to set things straight between men and women, parents and children, rich and poor, etc.
He comes to break down the barriers of hate and restore the bonds of love.
This story of Esther may seem a long way away from Jesus.
But as we continue to read, we will see how God is protecting the Jews SO THAT Messiah can come.
As we will see, God uses a women – Esther – to protect the Saviour’s birth-line.
Thank God for all the humble, holy women of history that He has used to bring Jesus into the world!
Pray against all forms of abuse, including against women and children.
Pray against the sinful passion and anger that causes so much abuse.
Pray that Jesus’ love may soften the hearts of abusers and warm the hearts of the abused.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, women did not fear You, they were drawn to You. I pray for the many many women who feel abused or mistreated. May they meet You, and find their true value and protection in You!

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    It was a party and more. The king was drunk and wanted to show off his beautiful wife who refused to come out. Although she knew her place and what her disobedience would cost her, she refused to become a sexual exhibit for the party. As was the custom in the East, the men and women did not mingle in public and therefor Vashti had her party with the women. She was modest and courageous.
    There is no record of Vashti’s disobeying the king before. The king and his advisors were too merry to discern what is right and true. She was more than a sexual object. Even today women have been reduced in their position not equal to man, objects of pleasure, inferior, or even ‘property.’
    Praise God for women who stand up for their rights and their positions as God gave them.
    Gender equality is still a battle in the world today.

    Oh, yes, oh yes, I’m a child of the King
    His royal blood now flows in my veins.
    And I who was wretched and poor now can sing
    Praise God, praise God, I’m a child of the King.

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