Keep looking up! (again)

THE STORY OF JESUS: Mark 13:28-31
“When you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door.”(Mark 13:29)
Some people see the fig tree as symbol of the nation Israel.
When Israel shows life again (1948, Israel restored as nation), the end is near.
The generation that saw this should prepare for the end (1988? Hal Lindsay).
I see the fig tree as an illustration, like the mustard seed, not symbolic.
Signs have been occurring through history, with times of distress following.
Signs were evident in Germany and Europe in the 30s, before WW2 and the Holocaust.
Even now, I believe we are seeing signs for times of distress:
*** ISIS, terrorism, political polarization, right-wing extremism and left-wing excesses, global warming, refugee crisis, increasing religious fundamentalism, collapsing economies, world debt, debt, shrinking middle-class, natural disasters, conflict in the middle east, consumerism, sexual license, family breakdown, etc., our present world is NOT sustainable as it is! ***
There are seasons of ‘peace’, but they usually do not last, and new times of distress arise.
I am not meaning to me pessimistic, just realistic (I was a history major).
But instead of focusing on this, we should focus on how Jesus finishes.
“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” (Mark 13:31)
Yes, His prediction of distress will come true… but so will His final return.
Jesus is Lord, He is restoring His kingdom, He is standing with those who suffer, He will come back!
We can focus on the negative stuff, which will only lead to depression and despair.
Or we can keep looking up, staying faithful to our task, trusting in His return.
He gave His word, and His word will not fail.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I do not like to think about tough times ahead. I choose to think about Your victory, Your kingdom, Your return. Through it all, I choose to keep looking up!

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    Look and learn.
    As with fig tree you know summer is near because what is happening to the tree. Be patient and ready because in time it will bloom. And also today, stay on track serving Him and all in His timing He will return. He is in control and what He said will happen. Be diligent and watchful as you/I continue to be in His service every day. Live for Jesus always. And when He returns be busy in His work – serving Him.

    Serve Him, serve Him,
    All you little children,
    God is love, God is love.
    Serve Him, serve Him,
    All you little children,
    God is love, God is love.

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