The darker the times, the brighter we shine!

“When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed.” (Mark 13:7)
I often hear Christians today say that we must be in the last days.
Terrorism, the middle east crisis, economic upheaval, increasing natural disasters.
When we lose a sense of history, we see our own times as the best or worst of times.
Wars and rumors of wars are nothing new, history is filled with tragic upheaval.
Many of us grew up in a bubble of safety, where peace seemed to last for generations.
“Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines.” (Mark 13:8)
This has been happening for centuries, even worse than we know them now.
This is not to deny that the present struggles are real, and serious.
I do believe that they are a part of the big picture kingdom conflict that is going on.
But do not be so quick to believe those that say ‘the end is near’.
As far as upheaval goes, ‘we ain’t seen nothing yet’.
“These are the beginning of birth pains.” (Mark 13:8)
Not a very encouraging thought, but an important reminder not to get sucked into end time fears.
Our focus needs to be on Who God is, Who Jesus, Who we are, and why we are here.
Until the Lord returns, we have a mission to fulfill – through all that happens.
Through war, disaster, famine, terrorism, economic uncertainty – our job is the same.
Our business is to shine the light of Jesus, no matter how dark it gets.
The darker the times, the brighter we shine!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, our job is not to watch for signs, but to shine as lights whatever the signs. May Your followers rise up as beacons of faith, hope and love as our world is tossed by crisis and upheaval.

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