Badly mistaken theology!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Mark 12:18-27
“You are badly mistaken!” (Mark 12:27)
I have to admit, this story of Jesus has always confused me.
Is not marriage a part of God’s original creation design?
And does Jesus mean that we will become angels, no longer human?
As I think further, two thoughts come to mind.
First, Jesus does not say we will become angels, but be like the angels.
We will still be human, but like the angels we will not need marriage.
Second, marriage is actually not mentioned until after the days of creation.
We were human, and male and female, first; marriage was added later (see Genesis 1-2).
But neither of these are Jesus’ main points; His main point is in the last verse.
The Sadducees were limiting what God could do based on their flawed thinking.
They were deciding truth based on what they saw and knew in this cursed life.
We need to be very careful with our ‘logical’ speculations about God from this side of eternity.
God is greater than our systematic theologies, no matter how ‘bible-based’ they seem.
I cannot explain the mysteries of life in this broken, messed up world.
And I am certain that we are badly mistaken about a lot of things…
But I know that beyond them there stands the eternal God, making all things new.
And though we cannot see it or understand it all right now, one day…
One day, like the angels, we will see God and know God face to face, and worship Him.
Marriage will have served it’s purpose, and we will finally be as God meant us to be.
Fully human, fully male and female, fully alive… and it will be ‘very good’ (Genesis 1:31).
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I imagine we are badly mistaken about a lot of things. Thank You that our hope does not lie in our getting things right, but in the eternal power and life of God, which You have given to us in love.

One Comment

  1. Reading this made me cry this morning! So thankful though that our hope can rest in His divine love which outshines all the pain and brokenness of today’s world. Reminds me of one of my favourite songs “how can it be”? By Lauren daigle.
    Look it up today at some point 🙂 and listen to the words.

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