In the spirit of Mary

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 10:38-42
“You are anxious and troubled about many things… (Luke 10:41-42).
Boy can I relate to Martha.
Anxious and troubled about many things, way beyond what is needed.
Like Mark Twain said, ‘I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.’
The problem here is not that Martha was working and Mary was not.
The problem is that Martha’s spirit was hot and bothered.
Her inner anxieties and troubles were about secondary, unnecessary things.
… But one thing is necessary.” (Luke 10:41-42)
Jesus was not expecting her to do the work of two or more people.
Martha did not need to sit at Jesus’ feet to do the one necessary thing.
All that was needed was to do what her heart led her to do for Jesus.
And if she had wanted to sit at Jesus’ feet too, she could have.
I think of the busyness that has often overwhelmed me, and I was anxious within.
Now I am trying to relax, enjoy what I do, and do it in a spirit of peace and love.
I don’t have to do everything, Jesus just wants me to do my part with and for Him.
I can take time to sit still, like Mary… or take time to work hard, like Martha.
To work and to rest, in the spirit of Mary, with my heart set on Jesus.
With Jesus, like Jesus, for Jesus!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, the many things that distract me from You keep me from loving and serving You with joy and peace. May I go about my Martha work today in the spirit of Mary.

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