You give them something!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 9:10-17
“‘You give them something to eat.’ They said, ‘We have no more than…'” (Luke 9:13)
There is still hunger and poverty in the world.
We will often hear people quote “for the poor you always have with you” (John 12:8)
But what I hear the Lord saying more often is “You give them something to eat.”
We ant Jesus to get rid of hunger and poverty, but He wants us to.
We want Him to send the poor away, but He sends us to the poor.
But how can we feed the poor and provide for the hungry?
Last week media reported that 62 billionaires are as wealthy as half the world’s population.
Is there not enough food, is there not enough money?
The reason the poor are always with us is because greed and selfishness are always with us.
Our whole consumer world system – buy, buy, buy, more than anyone really needs – affects us all.
No, individually, we cannot solve the problem, but we can offer something.
The Lord will take our small efforts and expand their impact.
But we cannot just sit back and wait for Jesus to do it for us.
He is sending us, with whatever we do have, to do what we can in His Name.
Jesus gave Himself for us and the world; He saved us to send us with His grace for others.
‘You give them something!!!’
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I can’t end poverty or change the consumer system… but with Your help and grace, I can give something, and I can refuse to live the consumer life. Send me today Lord!

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    They reported to Jesus. He is their Encourager, their Master, their Sender, their All in all.
    The people were attracted and needed healing – a task which the disciples also had completed. Christ feeds the body and the soul. And as His followers, we must do the same. We need to give them something to eat.
    Their is enough food to go around but like selfish people we say it is mine.
    Christian organizations like World Renew and the Canadian Food Grain Bank work globally to feed the people. Many organizations locally do the same. We all need to not only be aware but also involved in feeding the people – not ony our daily bread but also the Bread of Life.
    There is enough and there are leftovers. God’s bounty is more than sufficient. Just believe and do. Work out your/my faith for His kingdom.

    Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah,
    [or Guide me, O Thou great Redeemer…]
    Pilgrim through this barren land.
    I am weak, but Thou art mighty;
    Hold me with Thy powerful hand.
    Bread of Heaven, Bread of Heaven,
    Feed me till I want no more;
    Feed me till I want no more.

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