Dedicated to suffering daughters!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 8:40-56
“Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace.” (Luke 8:48)
Today’s blog post is dedicated to all the ‘daughters’ out there who suffer.
These two ‘daughters’ (v.40,48) are suffering, and God’s heart is moved.
What stands out for me here is the hope that Jesus brings to the hopeless.
I believe in Jesus because I believe He is our only hope of ending suffering.
Together with Jesus we stand up to sickness, violence, injustice, poverty.
We join with Him in bringing hope to the hopeless.
Incurable sickness and death are no match for God’s messiah.
Neither are racism, bigotry, sexual abuse, violence against women.
In a world where daughters often are not valued, they are valued by God.
How many baby girls were killed in China because of the one-child policy.
How many young girls (and boys) are sexually abused, or sold as sex-slaves.
For some reason Jesus does not always heal or help like I would want Him too.
It seems that Jesus’ plan is not to fix everything Himself, but to use us.
He is calling all people who share His heart, God’s heart, for those who suffer.
We are called to do our part, and trust Him to do His part.
Today’s focus is on suffering daughters, but this applies to all who suffer.
May our faith and work together go a long way in making them well, and giving them peace.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, my heart goes out to all those ‘daughters’ who are being used and abused. May victims be encouraged to reach out to You for help, and may they be well received by Your followers.

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    On the way to heal Jairus’ daughter, a woman ‘stole’ a healing and that healing interrupted the journey to Jairus’ house. The woman with the issue for many years was ‘unclean’ according to the law and yet in her weakened condition ‘fought’ her way through the crowd to Jesus. The woman had to confess that it was she who touched Him to reassure her that it was her faith that healed her. A public expression of her faith.
    While all of this happened Jairus’ daughter died. He had come to Jesus in faith that He could heal her and on the way to the healing, by the interruption died. However Christ reassured that she was not dead. Christ healed her from death’s grip. The command not to tell of the healing could be for the scoffers, not even being able to witness the healing.
    Trust in the Lord and in His power and promises.
    Faith is THE ingredient at all times in all situations.
    As stated to the woman, may it also be said of me – Your faith has made you whole.

    I believe in Jesus
    I believe He is the Son of God
    I believe He died and rose again
    I believe He paid for us all

    And I believe He is here now
    Standing in our midst
    Here With the power to heal now
    And the grace to forgive

    I believe in You, Lord
    I believe You are the Son of God
    I believe You died and rose again
    I believe You paid for us all.

    And I believe You’re here now
    Standing in our midst
    Here With the power to heal now
    And the grace to forgive

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