
THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 6:46-49
“Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?” (Luke 6:46)
Is doing what Jesus said optional for a Jesus follower?
Jesus seems to anticipate that some disciples will not DO WHAT He says.
The context is what He has just taught about loving and blessing enemies.
But these reflect His overall teaching of grace, mercy, peace and love.
They also shaped His life, and led to His sacrifice and victory for us.
The Law of Love is not optional, nor is it just one possible way to live.
It is the heartbeat of creation, and the key to paradise and the kingdom.
It is as essential as the laws of physics and engineering when building a house.
We cannot defy natural laws without experiencing the consequences.
And God’s Law of Love, which Jesus came to restore, is both spiritual and natural!
The cycle of hate and violence needs to be broken, and only love will do that.
For a Jesus follower, love (in it’s many expressions) is not optional.
Revenge, selfish love, unforgiveness may feel good, but they only increase the misery.
Jesus calls us to follow Him, not just affirm Him.
Jesus calls us to do what He says, not just recite it in a creed.
To not follow the way of love is to not follow Jesus – and that doesn’t end well.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I’ve a long way to go to loving like this. But I agree that it is not optional. I choose to move in the right direction, and with Your help to love better today than I did yesterday.

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    Come to Jesus.
    Listen to His words.
    Put the words to action.
    This what a Christ follower does. This is what gives him a sure foundation. This enables him to face the storms of life, his pilgrim’s progress for he knows that his Saviour leads and guides him all the way. Always.
    I am reminded of the full circle diagram – loving = knowing = doing. All must be present and you can’t have one without the other. This is what obedience is all about.
    I need to continue to build my house, my life, upon the rock Jesus, my firm foundation. Then I can also withstand any storms that may come my way.

    A mighty fortress is our God,
    a bulwark never failing;
    our helper he amid the flood
    of mortal ills prevailing.
    For still our ancient foe
    doth seek to work us woe;
    his craft and power are great,
    and armed with cruel hate,
    on earth is not his equal.

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