Grace for refugees and terrorists!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 6:27-36
“Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” (Luke 6:27-28)
It seems to me that those who refuse to help refugees don’t understand who Jesus really is.
I am not talking about whether they will be saved… God’s grace goes beyond our calculations.
But the plain fact is, Jesus urges people to love enemy refugees and even terrorists.
He Himself chose an extremist to be one of His close followers (Simon the Zealot, 6:15).
He also chose an enemy collaborator (Levi/Matthew the tax collector, 5:27-28, 6:15).
The good news is not that God loves His followers, but that He loves all sinners.
Grace is undeserved blessing, loving your enemies, doing good to people not of our group.
It saddens me that it is often ‘christians’ who vehemently oppose support of refugees.
I realize that there are reasonable arguments and genuine concerns involved.
But I’m not defending a case, I am pointing to the example of Jesus and God.
Of course there are risks – grace is risky – but it is also how God overcomes evil.
I can say quite confidently that Jesus would be the first to help refugees and bless terrorists.
Grace and mercy are their only hope, and our only hope… and that is what God is about.
“Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” (Luke 6:36)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, forgive us for turning Your teaching into a religious system that oppresses others. May we become known, like You, as a living embodiment of God’s mercy.


  1. Blah this disciplining myself sucks. I dont like committing myself so much lol. All over Facebook lately I see so many hateful comments (even from Christians) on refugees and it makes me sick especially considerinf what is happening in Syrian. I wish people could remove the title. Aboriginal, Canadian, French, Refugee, Muslim why does it matter? That is just exactly what Satan wants. For us to point fingers and make enemies against one another.

    Justice I hear some say. That’s all they want but what is just? Or equal rights and fairness? We should be opening our arms wide to everyone and try to remove the title we give others and see them through the eyes of Jesus. We all need hope and mercy and especially love if anything.

  2. Observations/Application
    Open my ears Lord – the ears of my heart.
    Let me like Jesus to them.
    Love is expressed through action and what is shown here is love in action. Words are not enough. It has to be love in action. Loving = knowing = doing. These must go together. And they will know we are Christian by our love.
    Christ Jesus is our example. See how He loved the people. We must be like a Christ unto them. And that’s what I must be if I am a Christian.
    Just as Christ loved me I need to love those around me – all around me and I can’t be selective. As God’s grace and mercy enfolded me so I too need to enfold others as a child of the living God Who empowers His people always.

    Grace and truth shall mark the way
    Where the Lord His own will lead,
    If His Word they still obey
    And His testimonies heed.

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