Praying with, praying for…

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 5:17-26
“When Jesus saw their faith, he said, ‘Friend, your sins are forgiven.'”
Jesus sees the faith of this man’s friends.
It was not his faith, but their faith, that prompted Jesus.
This reminds us to not give up on others even if they give up themselves.
Our faith can be used by God to bless someone with little or no faith.
We were not made to be alone but for mutual love and support.
This is why a faith community is so essential to support us in our faith.
We will all face times of doubt, of fear, of despair… when trusting God is hard.
But to know there are others pushing through all obstacles for me in prayer!
To know that when I can’t pray, others will bring me to the Lord.
Our hopeful hearts are contagious, God uses them to bless others.
Being with others who are hopeful and clinging to God will inspire us.
God responds to us when our hearts are open, hopeful, eager, ready.
He even responds to us when others are open on our behalf.
So think of someone unable to bring themselves to the Lord right now.
They are caught in doubt or fear, or have decided they cannot believe.,
Keep digging through the barriers for them through prayer.
Bring them to the Lord yourself, knowing that the Lord sees your faith too.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I do believe, but it is hard to carry someone who will not carry themselves. Yet love compels me, I will keep on bringing them to You. Please hear my prayer.

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