Time to withdraw and pray?

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 5:14-16
“But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” (Luke 5:16)
Jesus was not a superhuman or a superhero.
He struggled daily, mentally, emotionally, physically, relationally.
He was drained by the desperate people seeking healing from Him.
His disciples were slow learners and didn’t always get along or cooperate.
He was harassed by the religious leaders, dogging Him at every corner.
He was tempted by the Devil’s lies, which were very subtle and compelling.
He gave of Himself daily – emotionally, spiritually and physically draining.
I know in a smaller way how drained I am when giving myself in ministry.
Under pressure He went to the only place He knew He could find help.
Time in solitude with God, seeking strength and wisdom.
I can definitely relate to this, how my times alone with God become my lifeline.
Is prayer a formality for you, or an empty practice that doesn’t seem to do anything for you?
Do you find yourself energized by your time alone with God?
Do you take the time to withdraw alone so that you can pray?
Do you make excuses for why it doesn’t work for you?
Do you want to try to experience this same fellowship with God and Jesus through prayer?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, sometimes I do withdraw to pray. But there are also critical times when I should withdraw to pray, and I don’t. Even if I can’t get away at the moment, I should be able to pause and pray inwardly. I need Your help to make it through these daily battles.


  1. This is why Jesus is so relatable in my own life. He is the lifeline that makes me rise from my bed in the morning to laying my head down at night. I was talking to a friend the other day and I said somewhere along the lines. “I don’t want to be known as the struggling one”. I don’t want it to be seen as my identity or what makes me as a person.

    It wasn’t until she said “but that is what draws others to Jesus through you”. The idea that struggling was what Jesus did but that He still never gave up. And trust me. I’ve been drained mentally emotionally physically and spiritually this year more than ever. Tomorrow is a new year and I’m not going to make a resolution because I don’t keep them but I am going to try and withdraw from all the chaos to be alone with Him in order to refuel and prosper.

    It was when we are still and are able to spend time alone in prayer that we sense what direction to go. Satan would do anything to rob us of turning to prayer because he knows what happens in us when we do.

  2. Observations/Application
    Don’t tell but show yourself to the priest as the law commanded. Fulfill the requirements of the law. The people were attracted to Jesus for all that He did – a life giving ministry – meeting the people where they were at both physically and spiritually – body and soul. But all the ministry also had its toll on Jesus. He needed to be re-energized.
    Frequently Jesus withdrew from the crowds for a time and pray. Spending time with God. You can’t give unless you have received it. Each day anew I need to spend time with my Saviour for I constantly need to depend upon Him – His power, His strength, His wisdom so that I can serve Him.

    Walking everyday
    All along the way
    Walking with Jesus
    Walking with Jesus along…

    Walking in the sunrise
    Walking in the shadow
    Walking everyday
    All along the way

    Walking with Jesus
    Walking with Jesus along…

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