Show Jesus, don’t debate Him!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 4:38-41
“Demons came out of many people, shouting, ‘You are the Son of God!'” (Luke 4:41)
Crowds of people, many being healed or set free from demonic bondages.
There is excitement as the rumour starts spreading: ‘He is the One!’
The demons encourage it, to whip the crowds into a rebellious fervour.
At that time, this title ‘Son of God’ would have been very controversial.
Caesar claimed to be ‘divi filius’, the son of God, the God appointed ruler.
The demons are stirring up trouble, but Jesus silences them.
For different reasons demons still cause trouble by promoting Jesus as the Son of God.
They know that Muslims will react with anger, and Atheists with scorn.
And they know Christians will fight among themselves about what exactly that phrase means.
Forget the words, forget the debates, look at Jesus as the humble, gracious, loving servant.
Let Jesus inspire us to love, to serve, to be gracious, not to debate or to fight.
I have been in discussion, debates and arguments about Jesus as the Son of God.
But now I hear Jesus silencing the debate… yes Jesus Himself silences it.
He avoids the title Himself, preferring the title ‘son of Man’.
A humble servant, one who rides a donkey, one who washes feet, one who forgives sinners.
I no longer try to convince people that Jesus is ‘the Son of God’.
I just try to show them what Jesus stood for, what He did, how He loved, suffered, died, rose again!
Let them see Jesus, let them experience Jesus, and the Spirit will help them know for themselves.
“And when the centurion, who stood there in front of Jesus, saw how he died, he said, “Surely this man was the Son of God!” (Mark 15:39)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, may my life reveal Who You are, may my words draw people to You… and not into debate. Silence the demons that stoke controversy, and liberate the spirits that reveal You for Who You really are!

One Comment

  1. After a day’s work, Jesus was asked to help Simon’s mother-in-law. He did. When healed she got up and served them. As Jesus came to serve, so we too need to serve others. Sometimes the disease is taken from us and other times we are taken from our disease. But at all times the disease or other things happen so that we draw closer to Jesus. Serving is an act of worship and thanksgiving.
    At sunset others came to be healed – the Sabbath was over. And we see that Jesus has the authority over all.
    And who do I say who Jesus us? He came to earth to be acknowledged as the Messiah – the Saviour of His people. He is the Lord of lords. Jesus is the Christ – and I like Thomas need to proclaim – My Lord and my God.

    My Jesus, my Savior
    Lord there is none like you
    All of my days
    I want to praise
    The wonders of Your mighty love

    My comfort, my shelter
    Tower of refuge and strength
    Let every breath, all that i am
    Never cease to worship you

    Shout to the Lord all the earth let us sing
    Power and majesty praise to the King
    Mountains bow down and the seas will roar
    At the sound of Your Name

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