My life is in His hands!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 4:22-30
“But he walked right through the crowd and went on his way.” (Luke 4:30)
The crowds turn from fans to fanatics, and want to kill him.
But what I want to know is how does He get away from them?
Were they blinded by angels, unnerved by His stern look, too scared to touch Him?
However it happened, He did not die because it was not His time.
God went through a lot of trouble to arrange for the Messiah’s coming.
His birth, His life, His timeline, His appointment with the cross… all part of the plan.
Now was not the time for the crowds to kill Him… yet.
I find this encouraging, knowing that my life is also unfolding according to a master plan.
A good plan, a plan for helping others and myself, and the kingdom of God.
I am on a mission, like Jesus, for bringing goodness and grace into the world.
God has work for me to do, and when that job is done, I will go to be with Him.
Paul expresses this confidence about the timing of his life and death:
“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith…” (Philippians 1:21-25)
Put your life into His hands, He will see His purpose through for you to the end!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, it helps me to see that my life is a part of a greater purpose too. Instead of being afraid of what might happen, help me to do what You want me to do, and leave the results in Your hands.


  1. Observations/Application
    The prophet Jeremiah said – Hear this, you foolish and senseless people, who have eyes but do not see, who have ears but do not hear:
    This was also true for the people in Christ’s time – driving the Master away.
    And today as we celebrate Christmas once again? Where is Christ in all of this? Where is He in my life? Do I see Him every day or do I also drive Him away doing my own thing?
    Open my eyes Lord that I may see You.
    Open my heart Lord that I may hear Your voice saying – This is the Way. Walk in it.
    Lead me and guide me in the Way I must go – Your Way must be my heart’s desire.

    I lift up my voice
    to The King, The King of glory
    I hold out my hands
    to The One who is worthy
    I long for Your presence
    I long, Lord, I need Your touch

    come, oh Lord, and fill up my life
    with the light of Your presence
    this is my heart’s desire
    oh Father, come and let Your spirit abide
    I long for Your presence
    this is my heart’s desire

    I long to be washed
    in the well of Your mercy
    I long to be warmed
    by the fire of Your glory
    I long for Your presence
    I long for Your healing touch

  2. I find this interesting. There were many times throughout my life I should have died. When I was born I was two pounds and from a cocaine drug addict. Doctors said I wouldn’t make it. When I was in foster care and left in a corner suffering from malnourishment and abuse. Doctors said she wont make it. Let alone ever walk or talk. Well I’m pretty sure I do both just fine.

    All this before my third birthday. The time I was a teen and I was involved in a car accident which killed my friend but not me. Perhaps this was all Gods doing. I don’t mean the things that happened that were out of my control but perhaps He saved my life for a purpose. Perhaps I am destined for a greater purpose that I have yet to know.

    Perhaps it is through writing which I love or musical theatre which I also love. Perhaps its through teaching young children. All I know is there has to be some reason why I’m still here….a reason why I always left the doctors perplexed on how I could survive certain things. It really is interesting! Gods timeline is so different from our own.

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