The battle is hard!!!

“Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil.” (Luke 4:1-2)
God has just affirmed Jesus as His well-pleasing, much-loved son.
God’s Spirit has filled and energized Him, He is on fire for God.
And that same Spirit, gift of God’s love, drives Him into the wilderness.
Takes Him into the devil’s playground to go through hell for a while.
Remember, Jesus was human, He had no extra God power or wisdom to make it easier for Him.
Like you and me, this temptation was real, it was hard, it drove Him to the edge.
Everything God promised in scripture for His obedient children is being challenged.
The scriptures continually speak of how God will care for His faithful servants in the wilderness.
Yet here He is, starving, struggling, and led there by the Spirit of all things.
The devil is good at what he does; he finds our weakness and uses it against us.
You may be in a wilderness right now too, and wondering why the God that loves you put you here.
I don’t know the specifics of your situation, but I do know what God has said.
You are loved, you belong to Him, nothing can separate you from His love.
Think of the alternative… that you are nothing? your life is nothing?? there is no hope???
Hold on to God with Jesus, trust that Jesus and God’s Spirit will get you through this.
Stand up to the Enemy’s lies with God’s truth, like Jesus did.
“Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, this battle is hard… and for people I know it seems unbearable. Please show up today for people near breaking point, and give them something extra to hang on to You. They need more that words alone, they need You.


  1. Awe you used the photo of Jesus and Satan arm wrestling above. It’s funny ( well not really actually funny) but at first glance when I saw that photo a week ago I was like yeah but Jesus always wins…is what we are told anyways. Its what we ought to believe in. I have hope that He does even if my spirit is feeling the opposite. But in real truth I bet many of us feel on the other side of Jesus or right in the middle being pulled one way or the other.

    I bet many of us feel that we are losing the battle. Especially if hell is right in you’re face. I mean I am sure there are times you as a Pastor battle with the hopes and dreams you have for the churches future. And perhaps one wrong things happens after another that you can’t help but wonder if change will ever concur. ( I really have no idea by the way just something that popped up in my head).

    My point was the battle is in all of us. Pastor. Teacher. Student. Church goer. The moment we were born on the earth. Well the moment Adam and Eve ate the apple from the tree the battle and fight of our lives had begun. Jesus didn’t promise us an easy life. He did promise though that he would fight the battle of our minds and heart and souls especially when we are too weak to fight it for ourselves. He knows in our strength we cannot defeat the enemy. I mean could Luke Skywalker actually beat the Empire without ‘may the force be with you’.

    Could Jesus really beat Satan without Gods help? He was human when he was tempted but he was also firmly secure in the Father’s love. I’m a fool to try and fight without giving my all to Jesus first. A fool to think I could do it in my own strength. The amazing outcome of this arm wrestling and pain, guilt, temptations and struggles is thg Jesus won. In the end he always wins…

  2. Observations/Application
    ‘Jesus. full of the Spirit.’
    We are never alone for His presence is always with us.
    Jesus, fully man, was also tempted yet being fully man He did not sin. He was delivered from the temptation by His Word. God at work also through Jesus.
    And we/I? I too am tempted but never alone. It is only by His power I have deliverance. As God delivers His people from slavery many years ago, He can still deliver His people from slavery today.
    Stop. Look. Listen. and Obey His Voice also today.

    Verse 1
    I am weak and I need Thy strength and power,
    To help me over my weakest hour.
    Let me through the darkness Thy face to see,
    Lead me, oh Lord lead me.

    Lead me, guide me along the way,
    For if you lead me I cannot stray.
    Lord, let me walk each day with Thee.
    Lead me, oh Lord lead me.

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