Good news for me, through me!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 3:15-18
“John exhorted the people and proclaimed the good news to them.” (Luke 3:18)
John is proclaiming good news in the wilderness.
Many people come and he welcomes them with ‘you brood of vipers’ (v.7).
He warns them about the axe at the root (v.9), and the unquenchable fire (v.17).
Is this what John calls ‘good news’?
The good news is that God’s messiah is coming soon.
Jesus is the good news, He is the sign that God’s better world is at hand.
A world where people share with those in need, do not cheat or falsely accuse others, and are content.
The messiah comes to put things back in their right place, justice, truth, integrity, love.
This is good news for all who are victims of sin, selfishness, injustice, hate, abuse, etc.
But it is bad news for those who are guilty of promoting these destructive ways.
Those who repent of sinful selfish living will be forgiven, but those who do not…
This is where the exhorting comes in, this is where we need to be warned.
As we saw yesterday, God is very concerned about restoring His ‘very good’ world.
“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” (Galatians 5:22-23)
This is the fruit in keeping with repentance (v.8) that John speaks of, that God is looking for.
This is what the Spirit-and-fire (v.16) empowered Messiah is working to produce in us, and in the world.
Are you in for this good news?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I want this. I want to know what it means to live with Your love and joy and peace. I want Your Spirit to produce this fruit in me and through me, so that the victims of this world will experience good news too.


  1. You know that video you showed us a long time ago about delayed gratification with the kids and the marshmallows? I feel like those kids in a way. I as a follower know and have been promised that Jesus is to return. I know it because I have read it and God said it to be true. Though right now in front of me is a million other things that seem so good right now. They seem if I take it that I will be happier, more full of peace and more full of love.

    The problem is the things I’m taking because I am tired and worn for waiting His return to happen. Those things are actually doing the opposite of what is good. Those things tell me I don’t need God. I got this under my control. I’m not going to look weak in front of others. I was born to be strong and independent. And how long does that last for? How much more pain do I put myself through for what reason? Where does it get me?

    Jesus is coming. And I wish it was today. Tomorrow. Next week. That has been my prayer lately. Just come and fix this broken world and the brokenness inside me. Come so I don’t have to fight my inner demons any longer. Come so I don’t have to wait like the kids did tempted by sin and desires of what would be a quick fix but not what’s best for me.

    The joy and peace and love is not overflowing in my heart. But it does not mean it doesn’t exist. It just means I have to keep holding on a little longer so that instead of getting the marshmallows I get smores which are way yummier. It means holding onto the hope that the good news is Jesus. That he really does hear us and he would do anything to take the fears from us…but the this is he didn’t just do anything…he did the most amazing thing by dying for us so we could be set free from the raging wars in our own hearts.
    Come to me all who are weary and I will five you rest. Matthew 11:28

  2. Observation/Application
    The first words of this passage – the people were waiting expectantly – reminds me of the hymn – Come Thou Long Expected Jesus,
    born to set Thy people free born;
    from our fears and sins release us,
    let us find our rest in thee.
    The people were in a state of doubt – did He or didn’t He come. And John answered in humility that when He comes they will know. John was the messenger of the Good News and shared that news among the people.
    I have received His grace and mercy and I too need to share that news among the people. We are in the Advent season – He has come and will come again – His own to deliver forever and ever. While we ‘wait’ we/I/His own people need to continue to work expectantly and share the Good News in love and mercy.

    1. Come, thou long expected Jesus,
    born to set thy people free;
    from our fears and sins release us,
    let us find our rest in thee.
    Israel’s strength and consolation,
    hope of all the earth thou art;
    dear desire of every nation,
    joy of every longing heart.

    2. Born thy people to deliver,
    born a child and yet a King,
    born to reign in us forever,
    now thy gracious kingdom bring.
    By thine own eternal spirit
    rule in all our hearts alone;
    by thine all sufficient merit,
    raise us to thy glorious throne.

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