Show me!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 3:10-14
“‘What should we do then?’ the crowd asked. (Luke 3:10)
What is the heart of religion, the endgame for God?
That we reflect His love and compassion as His image-bearers.
He is not interested in religious rituals or acts of piety.
True religion for God is compassion for the needy (James 1:27).
Final judgment will be based on how we loved our neighbours in need (Matthew 25:34-36).
Faith is important, and hope too, but the most important is love (1 Corinthians 13:13).
And not just love for those who love us, but for the unlovable (Matthew 5:43-47).
It is active, self-sacrificial love that shows we are sincere Jesus followers (John 13:35).
Generosity, compassion, self-sacrifice, kindness, mercy, love, this is what God desires.
True repentance is not just trying to avoid the punishment.
It is recognizing how wrong and bad our selfishness is, and an eager desire for goodness.
To all of us who claim to be Christians, people who believe in Jesus, God says ‘show me!’
This ought to be the question we asking: ‘what should we do then?’
John gives us some very practical suggestions to start with.
But I am sure if you spend some time thinking about it today you can come up with your own.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to follow up on my claims to faith, hope and love with very real, very practical applications. I want to produce fruit in keeping with repentance too!

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    The evidence of hearing is doing.
    When instructions are given to a child, the response will be yes but that yes must be followed by the act of doing the request. Some say yes happily to get out of the doing and others say yes grumpily and continue to do.
    Knowing – Loving – Doing are three basic ingredient in our daily circle of living for Jesus. Knowing = Loving = Doing. These three always go together.
    And all must be done in LOVE for the command says that the greatest is LOVE – Corinthians 13 – for it shows a willing heart and from that heart life flows.
    I am not my own but belong to Jesus. As He shared His love each day anew, so I must do the same this day as I continue my pilgrim’s progress.

    Here are my *hands, Lord
    I give You praise
    *Teach them to serve You
    For all of my days
    Help them to stay
    Both faithful and true
    Here are my hands, Lord
    I give them to You

    * ears … Teach them to listen
    * eyes … Teach them to seek You
    * life … Help me to love You

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