Jesus treasure

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 2:15-20
“Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” (Luke 2:19)
To treasure and ponder, this is how I feel about my relationship with Jesus.
I ponder a lot, lots of questions and thoughts and feelings and uncertainties.
But not just pondering with my mind, I treasure what these thoughts are about.
I value what Jesus represents, Who He is and what He has done.
Deep within I sense the importance and necessity of Jesus for the world.
It doesn’t mean I don’t question or doubt or struggle… I do.
But Jesus offers meaning and hope like no other – He teaches it, but He lives it too.
From what I have heard, and what I have seen, Jesus is the hope of the world.
He speaks to my own need, but also to the need of the world.
A baby born in a stable, is this the hope of the world?
It is when that baby is God humbling Himself to reach us, love us, restore us.
It is when that baby is at home with nobodies and society’s outcasts.
It is when that baby is God’s promised Messiah… “just as they had been told!”
There is so much that I do not understand about Jesus and God and the hope of the kingdom.
But when I consider Jesus and what He represents…
With Mary I treasure Him in my heart, and with the shepherds I glorify and praise God!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You are more precious than silver; Lord, You are more costly than gold; Lord, You are more beautiful than diamonds; And nothing I desire compares with You.

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    The shepherds lost no time to see what they had been told – the Good News. We/I need to have the same reaction to that Good News – to seek my Saviour.
    Seek and you will find. This is His promise.
    The shepherds shared the good news of what they found and I must do the same bringing glory to God in the highest. Today’s news must also be praises to His name and peace upon the earth.
    Those who heard wondered. there is no record of others going to find Mary and Joseph. What about the Good News during this Advent season? Just a wondering or the coming to want/desire to know more and coming to the Truth – about my Saviour and yours – a life giving message. A message of hope in this ‘dark’ world.
    It made a difference for the shepherds – men who were not regarded ‘high’ in their world – but it made a difference in their lives. Glory to God. They had found happiness. They were instruments of His peace sharing the good news.
    And I, I must do the same and share the good news and peace I have in my heart with others.
    Glory to God in the highest!
    Glory to God! Glory to God!
    Glory to God in the highest!
    Shall be our song today;
    Another year’s rich mercies prove
    His ceaseless care and boundless love;
    So let our loudest voices raise
    Our glad and grateful song of praise.

    Glory to God in the highest!
    Glory to God in the highest!
    Glory, glory, glory, glory,
    Glory be to God on high!
    Glory, glory, glory, glory,
    Glory be to God on high!

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