who (or what) do we fear?

So God was good to the midwives, and the Israelites continued to multiply, growing more and more powerful. And because the midwives feared God, he gave them families of their own. [Exodus 1:20-21] When we finished in Genesis, Joseph and his family had moved to Egypt for their survival. Now we find their survival in jeopardy because a new king (Seti I ???, 300 years after Jacob and his sons arrived) now fears this large community of foreigners living among them.

The times have changed, from favoured guests to slave labour. And when not even slavery weakens them, the pharaoh resorts to infanticide to weaken the Israelites. But the midwives refuse to cooperate (at the risk of their own death), because they fear God more than the pharaoh.

Staying true to God, no matter what. Clinging to the goodness and faithfulness of God even when life turns sour. Being the chosen people did not mean that Israel had it easy. And history shows that the Jewish people have endured ongoing hardship, yet they cling to God and His promise. No matter what role we might think the modern day Jews have in God’s plan, they do demonstrate an amazing resilience of faith.

How about us? When we face minor or major crises, do we cling to God no matter what? Do we claim the goodness of God, even when the economy crashes, our employment is at stake, our family is divided, we are being falsely accused, our dreams are becoming nightmares, the doctor has some bad news for us, etc. Do we ‘fear’ (honour, respect, trust) God more than we fear our circumstances?

The early church thrived in seasons of persecution, as did Israel in Egypt. Has the modern church failed to thrive in the midst of prosperity and success and growth? Have we lost our focus on God, our dependence on Him? God is still good to us today, but we may have to experience more hardship before we can appreciate it.

Lord, You are good, whether my circumstances suggest that or not. As Your people have thrived in tough times in the past, may I thrive in You.

One Comment

  1. A good name and good actions. The new ruler of the land did not know about Joseph – reminds me of the people did not know about Joshua and how he lived – and as for me and my household, we will serve the living God. What a testimony!

    Times change. No longer were the people favoured but were used by the leader of the land because he feared their power. Yet, people like the Egyptian mid wives feared God and did not do what the new law of the land required. They remained faithfull and the people grew in power. Times are also changing today. Our security is being rocked or is it? Inspite of all happenings in the world around us, whether economic, demonstrations, health related, aging, family matters, does my life still show, still speak that it is the Lord God who is my Hope, my Rock of Salvation, my Shepherd who will be my Guide through any dark valley. He is the Light of the world and my Light also today as I continue to work/serve in His garden.

    Jehovah is my Light,
    And my Salvation near;
    Who shall my soul affright,
    Or cause my heart to fear?
    While God my strength, my life sustains,
    Secure from fear my soul remains.
    When evildoers came
    To make my life their prey,
    They stumbled in their shame
    And fell in sore dismay;
    Though hosts make war on every side,
    Still fearless I in God confide.

    My one request has been,
    And still this prayer I raise,
    That I may dwell within
    God’s house through all my days,
    Jehovah’s beauty to admire,
    And in His temple to inquire

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