Divorce always causes pain

THE STORY OF JESUS: Mark 10:1-12
“It was because your hearts were hard that Moses wrote you this law.” (Mark 10:5)
Making a commitment to someone, and sticking to it, can be hard.
But a marriage vow, freely made, should be honoured and maintained.
There are times when that is difficult, if your partner does not keep their vow.
Or times when it is impossible, if your partner leaves you for someone else.
But there are also times when we are the problem, when our hearts are hard.
Divorce (broken vows) was never been God’s design from the beginning (v.6-9).
It was included by Moses because we are stubborn, blind, selfish.
But this does not make it good, or acceptable, or beneficial.
When ‘one flesh’ is ripped in two, there is always blood (pain, sadness, suffering).
In addition, the person divorcing their partner becomes a ‘vow-breaker’ (adulterer).
Which only makes it harder to believe future vows that may be taken.
God is merciful, He meets us in our messes, and tries to help us out of them.
But Jesus reminds us of the seriousness of the sin that leads to vow-breaking.
Sin remains serious (which is why Jesus had to die for it), but God remains merciful.
If you have made vows before God in marriage, take them seriously.
Look for God’s help to honour them, not to break them.
Divorce may be unavoidable, you may be willing but your partner not.
But at least you can fight it while you can, and trust God’s mercy if it falls apart.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help those who are struggling with thoughts of vow-breaking, as well as those who have already experienced it. Bring healing and hope to the victims of divorce, and healing conviction to those who have been the cause of divorce.


  1. Interesting timing that this reading showed up on my wedding anniversary – a marriage that ended 4 years ago. When I realized what day it was, I burst into tears and felt the pain all over again as though it were fresh. I used to say that he was the vow breaker — because he made the choice to cheat on me and in the end he made the choice to leave instead of trying to repair the damage. Over the years Jesus has been showing me little things that I did, or didn’t do, to poison our marriage, and that while my mouth was saying that I wanted to work things out, my heart might have revealed otherwise. It is so easy to pray for God to change everyone else, but my prayer should have been, and will continue to be “God, change my heart”.

  2. Observations/Application
    Hardness of hearts.
    This is found throughout the Bible and also in this relationship – between a man and a woman. What was hidden is revealed through the law of divorce. God made man and woman to be helps and comforts for one another. Oneanothering. As far as it depends upon me, live at peace with one another. What God has put together man should not take lightly. The Law was given to reveal sin. By the law is the knowledge of sin. The hardening of the heart shows that man thinks that he can handle the situation on his own – without the Lord . Remember Pharaoh? Divorce was permitted to make clear the attitude of the heart. Husbands must love their wives as Christ loved His church. God is able to put two lives together to produce a oneness that shows His power. He can soften hearts and remove the hardness and change people into what they ought to be.
    help us all Lord to walk in Your Way. We all have done wrongs inside and outside of our marriages – hurting one another. Thank You for Christ Jesus in putting it all together again.

    What can wash away my sin?
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
    What can make me whole again?
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
    Oh! precious is the flow
    That makes me white as snow;
    No other fount I know,
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
    For my cleansing this I see—
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
    For my pardon this my plea—
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
    Nothing can my sin erase
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
    Naught of works, ’tis all of grace—
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
    This is all my hope and peace—
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
    This is all my righteousness—
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus!

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