Wanting to be great?

THE STORY OF JESUS: Mark 9:30-37
“They had argued about who was the greatest.” (Mark 9:34)
What do Christians argue about?
We tend to argue more about being right more than being great.
We may not insist on being first, but we will boast in how God is blessing us!
Our successful churches, or programs, or numerical growth, or ‘great’ stories.
I know personally that when ministers get together, we feel the need to tell stories.
And to boost our sense of worth, we will ‘expand’ our successes or impact.
Or blame the lack of them on our people, or our community, or spiritual warfare.
I think we as Christians play our own game of ‘king of the hill’.
And certainly when it comes to being right, we elevate our views over others.
“Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” (Mark 9:35)
How do I choose to be ‘the very last’, how do I operate as a ‘servant of all’?
There is something in our nature that wants to be bigger or greater or noticed.
Is this why I struggle in being in a small, not-so-successful, unnoticed church?
Is it because I have little to brag about when I meet with other pastors?
Maybe my own inner tension (or argument) is about wanting to be greater…
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to learn what it means for me to be the last, and a servant of all in my life and context. Expose my selfishness, and humble my proud heart… gently please.

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    The disciples didn’t understand and were afraid to ask Him about it.
    How often did I not want to ask because
    – I was afraid of looking dumb
    – I feared what the rest would think of me
    – I feared to show my insecurity
    This could possibly have gotten them into the argument among themselves about being the greatest but not infront of the Master Teacher. Yet even today we need to ask the questions we are afraid to ask.
    And then He answered with the child in their presence. A child usually in the care of the mother. Secure in her presence. My security must also be in His presence and not about my position in life like first in the class. The child is a symbol of not knowing, not understanding, learning, inquisitive, asking questions. Why? Curious.
    I must be the same in His presence like a little child. Ever learning. Ever secure. Jesus is the answer casting out all fear – the fear of who I am.
    I am a follower of Jesus and on that Rock I stand and grow, firm and secure.

    1. Firm on the Rock I stand, Jesus, my Lord,
    Held by Thy mighty hand, Jesus, my Lord.
    Filled with Thy love divine, O what a joy is mine!
    I am a child of Thine, Jesus, my Lord.

    Jesus, my Lord, Jesus, my Lord,
    I am a child of Thine, Jesus, my Lord.

    2. Thou art my constant Guest, Jesus, my Lord;
    Safe in Thy fold I rest, Jesus, my Lord.
    What though a cross I bear? Bright is the pearl I wear,
    Life in Thy life I share, Jesus, my Lord. [Refrain]

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