Moved by compassion!

“I have compassion for these people…” (Mark 8:2)
Matthew tells us this is a second feeding miracle (Matthew 14:15-21; 15:29-31).
He also tells us that this occasion was with non-Jews (Matthew 15:21,29-31).
Jesus does not view Canaanites as dogs (Mark 7:24-30).
The word ‘compassion’ was related to a person’s guts (bowels, inward parts).
This is not a literal definition of love, but a figurative descriptive analogy.
In other words, Jesus loves and pities these people deeply.
Scientific naturalism scoffs at this kind of ‘unscientific’ miracle.
In their worldview there is no room for miracle, or God/Supernatural.
But their empty, one-dimensional world (nature) also has no room for love.
In their worldview, love is ONLY a natural, biological movement.
Anything more is unscientific, unprovable, meta/super (beyond) physical/natural.
Personally, a world without spiritual love and compassion is a dead world.
This miracle need not be viewed as unscientific or irrational…
It is just beyond the level of science we know… and can one day discover.
(To these ancients an airplane or a magnet would have been unscientific, miraculous).
God’s guts (non-literal) move with love and compassion for us, and all people.
And ours do too, despite naturalism’s attempt to reduce it to chemical reaction.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, it is our refusal of spiritual love that leads to people starving, suffering and dying in the world. The only shortage in the world is compassion. Give us the guts to love like You do!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Three days they followed Him. WoW!
    No food and the people were about to faint. And it was at this point, in their deepest need, Jesus came and fed them. The disciples had experienced the previous feeding of the crowds but did not understand their Master. His resources are always there. What was there was enough for all the people.
    All too often in doing His work we think too small since what we have is limited and so we do not act. The people had enough and were filled. God supplies to fill our needs. We/I just need to go forward doing His will. All I have is His in the first place and needs to be used for His purposes. He will satisfy His people also today if we but believe and obey. We may be faint at times with the hardships but God is there and He will supply.

    1 We give thee but thine own,
    whate’er the gift may be;
    all that we have is thine alone,
    a trust, O Lord, from thee.

    2 May we thy bounties thus
    as stewards true receive,
    and gladly, as thou blessest us,
    to thee our first-fruits give.

    3 To comfort and to bless,
    to find a balm for woe,
    to tend the lonely in distress,
    is angels’ work below.

    4 The captive to release,
    to God the lost to bring,
    to teach the way of life and peace –
    it is a Christ-like thing.

    5 And we believe thy Word,
    though dim our faith may be;
    whate’er for thine we do, O Lord,
    we do it unto thee.

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