Just a touch

THE STORY OF JESUS: Mark 6:53-56
They begged him to let them touch even the edge of his cloak, and all who touched it were healed. (Mark 6:56)
Can we appreciate how desperate sick people were at that time?
No hospitals, medicines or pain-killers, limited understanding of basic healthy living.
We take our healthcare for granted, and our longer life expectancy.
Along comes someone that distributes healing freely, with just a touch.
No wonder they begged him for just a touch.
But keep in mind these were signs, like multiplied bread, meant to point to Jesus.
They still lived in a sick world, and would get sick again, and die.
But now they knew about the One that came from God, the promised Messiah.
Jesus did not come to fix all our day to day struggles and problems.
He did come to rescue us from sin’s curse!
He did come to restore us to our creation identity and purpose!
It is not just healing that we need, we need the Healer, we need God!
Our world’s sickness continues, and people still struggle, suffer and die.
People are desperate in many ways, but do they know about the One?
To know Jesus, to ‘touch’ Jesus by faith, to receive God’s blessing.
And in the process, to be forgiven and set free in your heart and life.
This is the healing I am thankful for, and what I want for others too!
But will people reach out for Jesus… just a touch?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank You for touching me, for healing my soul and for giving me hope. Use me to spread Your healing touch to others as well.

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    As soon as He got out of the boat, the people recognized Him. How? The eyes of faith and hope of new beginnings? And He healed them. Jesus gave them the hope they needed. They were healed. Miracles are a part of the message of the kingdom. This healing is but a beginning. The real healing is when the heart is healed, renewed in Christ Jesus. That is true healing – to be whole in Christ Jesus. The parable and miracles was Christ’s show and tell what the kingdom is all about.
    Open my eyes Lord that I may see You.
    Open my ears Lord that I may hear Your Voice speaking loud and clear.
    Open my heart Lord to receive You as my Lord and King to reign forever and ever.
    Use me Lord as a witness of Your Kingdom.

    The kingdom is coming, O tell ye the story,
    God’s banner exalted shall be!
    The earth shall be full of His knowledge and glory,
    As waters that cover the sea.

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