All we have is all we need!


THE STORY OF JESUS: Mark 6:30-44
“Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to distribute to the people.” (Mark 6:41)
Jesus uses what He has received, and we can too.
What He has is obviously not enough.
But He does not complain or grumble or despair.
He looks to God and gives thanks… for what He had received.
Our church has often been here, just trying to pay the bills.
At first we worried and wondered about our ability to survive.
We’ve learned that somehow God always seems to stretch out ‘not enough’.
God wants us to do our best with what we have, He will multiply the results.
This is not a recipe for personal gain, but for God’s kingdom mission.
When it comes to fulfilling God’s calling, we always have enough.
If we surrender all that we have to Him, He will use it beyond our capability.
Stop focusing on what you don’t have.
God doesn’t expect you to surrender what you don’t have.
Look to Him, thank Him for what you do have, and let Him do His part.
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” (Ephesians 3:20-21)
What is the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I always have enough to do Your work. Thank You for multiplying my resources in the past, help me to trust You for the future.

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    Standing amazed!
    The disciples were amazed at where He got these things.
    The people were amazed at what was happening in Jesus’ name. Even Herod.
    Standing amazed in the remote place with the feeding of the 5000.
    Amazed by Jesus walking on the water and calming the storm.
    Is my heart hardened that I do not stand amazed what the Lord God is doing in my life each and every day? Look and see. Stop and look and see what the Lord God is doing in my life. Stand amazed . See what He has done and still is doing. Open my eyes Lord!
    You give me all that I need – my daily bread.
    Your presence is always near me when I see all Your wonderful works in the creation around me – the colours, the weather, the healings, . . .
    I have all what I need for my physical needs and more so that I can share.
    Thank You Lord and help me each day anew to rise and shine and stand amazed.

    1. Thank you for giving me the morning.
    Thank you for ev’ry day that’s new.
    Thank you that I can know my worries can be cast on you.

    2. Thank you for all my friends and brothers.
    Thank you for all the men that live.
    Thank you for even greatest enemies I can forgive.

    3. Thank you, I have my occupation.
    Thank you for ev’ry pleasure small.
    Thank you for music, light and gladness.
    Thank you for them all.

    4. Thank you for many little sorrows.
    Thank you for ev’ry kindly word.
    Thank you for ev’rywhere your guidance reaches ev’ry land.

    5. Thank you, I see your Word has meaning.
    Thank you, I know your Spirit here.
    Thank you because you love all people,
    those both far and near.

    6. Thank you, O Lord, you spoke unto us.
    Thank you that for our words you care.
    Thank you, O Lord, you came among us,
    bread and wine to share.

    7. Thank you, O Lord, your love is boundless.
    Thank you that I am full of you.
    Thank you, you made me feel so glad
    and thankful as I do.

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