Draw me close to You!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Mark 5:11-17
“Then the people began to plead with Jesus to leave their region.” (Mark 5:17)
Why would deceiving spirits want to go into a herd of pigs?
In order to scare the people away from trusting or following Jesus!
Deceiving spirits have one purpose, to get you to look away from God.
To doubt, to fear, to desire something else, to discourage, to distract.
Using this ‘scare tactic’, the demons succeed in frightening the people (v.15).
What scare tactics are holding you back from trusting or following Jesus?
** ‘If I follow Jesus, people will treat me differently’
** ‘If I do what Jesus wants me to do in this situation, life will get hard for me’
** ‘All these bad things happening to me prove that God hates me’
** ‘This ongoing sin or weakness proves that God has given up on you’
** ‘If you do this certain thing, you will fail miserably’
Instead of running towards the only One Who can help us, we turn Him away.
Deceiving spirits have no power except deception, but they use that power well.
Refuse the scare tactics, push through the fears and doubts and hold on to Him!
Plead with Him to stay with you, to hold on to you, to keep you close!
And tell those lying voices to leave you, in Jesus’ Name, FOREVER!!!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, like this man I can be set free from these deceiving voices. But I need You to be free, so I plead with You, stay close to me, hold me, help me resist the scare tactics being hurled at me.

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    The demons wanted to stay in the region and stay they did. Legion went into the pigs and they all drowned. The possessed man was at Jesus’ feet, but that didn’t impress the people. The pigs did – their lifestyle. There focus was on the ways of the world and not the Jesus Way. Just like the pigs, they wanted to be stuck in their own mire. Pigs were unclean for the Jews and yet they were tending these for others. Which way do we travel – God’s Way or the way of the world?
    Which world is our livelihood? Which world do we hang onto?
    There the people pleaded Jesus to leave so they could live in their former ways. I need Jesus to open the eyes of my hearts so that I am in my right mind doing what Jesus desires – living His Way.

    God will make a way,
    Where there seems to be no way
    He works in ways we cannot see
    He will make a way for me
    He will be my Guide
    Hold me closely to His side
    With love and strength for each new day
    He will make a way, He will make a way.

    By a roadway in the wilderness, He’ll lead me
    And rivers in the desert will I see
    Heaven and earth will fade
    But His Word will still remain
    He will do something new today.

    God will make a way,
    Where there seems to be no way
    He works in ways we cannot see
    He will make a way for me
    He will be my Guide
    Hold me closely to His side
    With love and strength for each new day
    He will make a way, He will make a way.

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