Flourish with grace!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Mark 4:21-26
“Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.” (Mark 4:26)
In this context, Jesus seems to still be talking about the seed of God’s message in our lives.
God’s message, like a seed, needs to show itself.
The goal is not just to get it covered by soil, but to have it blossom and flourish.
God wants to bring His goodness out into the open through us.
What we do with that seed of grace and goodness – the abundance that it produces – will be our reward.
If we’re stingy with grace, or experience of grace will be small.
If we embrace the message, allow it to grow in us, we will receive even more – thirty, sixty, one hundred times as much.
But if we do not eagerly receive and reproduce God’s goodness, what little we do have we will lose.
Open hearts will be opened up even more, and receive more than that can imagine.
Closed hearts well be closed up, and shrivel into nothing at all.
Give careful consideration, says Jesus, to what you do with my message, because it means the difference between abundant or empty life.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I want to flourish. May Your goodness shine through me, may my character reveal Your amazing grace to me.

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    This reading reminds me of the story of the candles in the closet by Max Lucado – afraid to come out of the closet to do what they were intended/created to do. I too must do what I was created to do – being a witness and servant of Jesus Christ.
    As the candles in the closet wanted more time to be what hey wanted to be, I am also reminded of the seed growing – to be what it is supposed to be takes time – yet it continues on its path to grow as a seed into a small plant and larger and larger until at last it bears the fruit and when ripe it is harvested. I am still growing in the Lord and need to bear the fruit of the seed planted in me serving the Creator God, the Sower.
    It is He who continues to give the increase/growth. God at work within His creation.
    I need to use my gifts/talents for His service.

    This little light of mine
    I’m going to let it shine.
    This little light of mine
    I’m going to let it shine.-
    Let it shine, let it shine
    Let it shine.

    – Hide it under a bushel, NO!
    – Shine all over (your town)
    – Don’t let Satan blow it out
    – Let it shine ’til Jesus comes

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