connecting group experiment

The “Connecting Group” experiment is finished, and it went very well.
Based on the Alpha model we gathered every Tuesday night for an excellent meal, good jokes and table fellowship, a video teaching time and discussions around the table.
Although the ultimate goal for these “Connecting Groups” are for those exploring the message of Jesus, we offered these sessions to the crossroads community, with the following goals:

  1. To experience a seeker type gathering. As we gathered, we talked about the kinds of things that might make a seeker feel welcome, and what might put up unneccesary barriers.
  2. To dream and vision together what crossroads future discipleship ministry will look like. We talked about small groups and the kinds of things seekers, new christians and christians need to learn and grow in.
  3. To grow closer as a community, to get to know each other better and to renew our commitment as a crossroads community.
  4. For personal growth and support.

And the result… it was a very positive experience all round.
We viewed several different video materials (‘Alpha’ by Nicky Gumbel, ‘Nooma’ by Rob Bell, and ‘They Like Jesus, Not The Church’ by Dan Kimball).
The table group discussions went very well, with some thought-provoking and humourous discussions.
The day-away retreat (at the Rotary Park Pavilion) was a sunny and cold day.
The teaching time and discussion about the Holy Spirit was good, and the prayer time that followed was very powerful.

Thanks to all for coming out, we averaged between 20-25 attendees each week.
Thanks to all those who helped organize and set up (Nancy, Jan and Loralyn).
And thanks to all who provided the delicious meals.

Stay tuned, as we unveil stage two of our C.B.D. plan.

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