
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 22
For many are called, but few are chosen. [Matthew 22:14] When I hear Jesus say this, my thoughts are muddled because, growing up, the word ‘chosen’ always referred to the doctrine of predestination – where we are not able to choose God, but God chooses us. But this passage does not, I believe, refer to that doctrine.

Here, the many who are called are all those who were invited but refused to come, as well as those who were later invited and did come. The context then suggests that not all who respond to the invitation make the final cut. There seems to be a problem with how they responded.

What are improper wedding clothes? My guess is that this is the ‘fruit’ that is supposed to accompany faith. In other words, those who are ultimately chosen are the ones who demonstrate a faith that bears fruit. Many come to Jesus, but not all of them are prepared to become like Him. We should not assume, then, that just because someone calls themselves a ‘believer’ or ‘follower’ or ‘christian’ is automatically part of God’s family.

Does this mean that I am saved (or chosen or loved) because of the good things I do? No! God loved me before I did anything good or bad. Faith is not just believing the right things, so that I can be forgiven and go to heaven. Faith includes the desire and the effort to be like Him. It is choosing to cling to Him, to be with Him wherever He goes, to do whatever He does.

Wearing the Jesus-kind of life is the natural fruit expected from any branch grafted into the Jesus tree. If the fruit is not there, it’s because it is not really grafted in. This is why Jesus challenges the religious leaders: they had great knowledge, they were very pious, but they did not demonstrate the qualities of God’s heart, namely love for Him and for people.

So a question to ask is: though I have been invited, though I have responded, have I responded? The only way to confirm this is to see whether I am striving to be more loving like Jesus. Peter urges us to add to our faith, to increasingly become more effective and productive in our knowledge of Him. This is what he calls making my calling and election sure [see 2 Peter 1:1-11].

Lord, thank You for loving me (how is that for positive?)!

One Comment

  1. Now God has written a lesson for the rest of mankind;
    If we’re slow in responding, He may leave us behind.
    He’s preparing a banquet for that great and glorious day.
    When the Lord and Master calls us, be certain not to say:

    I cannot come to the banquet,
    Don’t trouble me now.
    I have married a wife.
    I have bought me a cow.
    I have fields and commitments
    That cost a pretty sum.
    Pray, hold me excused,
    I cannot come.

    As His Word tells us and it reiterated in the song, it is not a matter that the guests can not come, but will not come. It is a choice they make. Whatever we have in our hands can not interfere with what is in our hearts – faithfulness to our Master and Friend. Many are called. Those who accept the call put on Christ but there are also those who ‘fake’ it. They will be found out. The Groom will tell him to leave because of his unfaithfuness – not a friend of Jesus.

    As a friend of the family of God our love will expose us for whose we are. To be happy in the Lord, to be part of the family, to be a child of the King we must do love. The Gospel in one word is love and we need to live that love each day in all we do and say. Help me Lord this day on my way to serve You.

    Love, love, love, love.
    The Gospel in one word is love.
    Love your neighbor as your brother.
    Love, love, love.

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