Wanted: Encouragers!!!

SCRIPTURE: Acts 20:1-6
“Speaking many words of encouragement to the people.” (Acts 20:2)
Having just survived a riot, Paul meets with the disciples to encourage them.
He travels to the churches, encouraging all the disciples.
If ever there was a time for encouragement, now is the time.
Being a Jesus follower is not easy, with many social, family and personal pressures.
We need to be encouraged to HANG ON TO JESUS, through all the crap that goes on around us.
Contrary to the ‘name it/claim it folk, life as a Jesus follower is not easy.
It wasn’t for Jesus, it wasn’t for the early disciples, or for most disciples through history.
Yes, it offers an inward blessing that nothing in this world can compare to, or take away.
But we need to be encouraged to hang on through the times of doubt and pressure and persecution.
“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:24-25)
This ought to be the main theme of all our gatherings, mutual support and encouragement.
We are not alone, our faith and hope are not in vain, our love and good deeds are making a difference.
Jesus will come again, the world will be set right, goodness will triumph over evil, Satan will lose.
Are you a part of an encouragement community?
Are you an encouraging member of that community?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, in my experience there are many discouraged Jesus followers. And too often church is about politics or programs or debates about doctrinal truth. In light of all the difficulties in our world today, help us to encourage people to stand strong in You!

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    The uproar/tumult had ended but the work continues. The Message must be proclaimed and Paul travels on. Travel plans change but the Word remains. Paul was an encourager and was also encouraged by those who accompanied him. In community we have strength.
    Wherever he went his task was the same. Although travel plans thwarted, the journey continues in proclaiming the good news with the help of those around him.
    God moves in mysterious ways
    His Word to be proclaimed

    God moves in a mysterious way
    His wonders to perform;
    He plants His footsteps in the sea
    And rides upon the storm.

    Deep in unfathomable mines
    Of never failing skill
    He treasures up His bright designs
    And works His sovereign will.

    Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;
    The clouds ye so much dread
    Are big with mercy and shall break
    In blessings on your head.

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