Religion of peace?

SCRIPTURE: Acts 21:27-36
“This is the man who teaches everyone everywhere against our people and our law and this place.” (Acts 21:28)
For many Christians around the world, their faith in Jesus is seen as a threat.
In some Muslim countries Christians are accused of blasphemy – just for their beliefs.
Like Rimsha Misah, a young down syndrome girl from a Christian family in Pakistan.
She was accused of burning the Koran, a false claim often made to persecute Christians.
In the end a local Imam was arrested for planting the evidence… of desecrating the Koran himself.
This is not just a Muslim or Jewish problem, Christians have been guilty of similar atrocities.
It is the spirit of Satan, not Jesus, that inspires this kind of anger, deception and violence.
As Jesus followers, we need to be known for grace, peace and love, even under pressure.
We do not defend our faith with violence, for this goes against our faith.
We become guilty, like the Imam, of desecrating our faith to defend it.
Paul was falsely accused, like this girl Rimsha, because of his connection to Jesus.
We should not be surprised if people misunderstand our faith, and even misrepresent us to others.
But neither should we join in the evil by responding with anger, hate or violence.
So many religions claimed to be ‘religions of peace’, yet resort to non-peaceful means to defend them.
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I pray for people falsely accused and cruelly abused for their faith – whatever their religion. Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin in me!

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    Paul was at the temple which is a good thing but . . . he was known to have no distinction of who could worship there – Jew, Gentiles, Greeks – which was against the traditions yet was God’s Word. His own did ot receive him. Then mob rule. ‘God’s people’ who should have known better use violence to get their way so much so that the authorities had to interfere.
    Violence of the mob – carried away with emotion, lack of thought, lack of law, lack of doing was is right. We see this today with religious persecution but also with racial issues. Mob rule.
    Yet Paul was proclaiming the Word of the Lord and His people rejected him as many also rejected Christ and we saw mob rule there also saying get rid of Him.
    His own did not receive Him/him.
    Open my eyes Lord.

    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    I am looking, I am listening
    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    Help me to know Your will (repeat)

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