love goes deeper than law

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 19
Jesus replied, “Moses permitted divorce only as a concession to your hard hearts, but it was not what God had originally intended. [Matthew 19:8] Did Jesus just say that what Moses permitted in the old covenant law regarding divorce was NOT what God originally intended? Should we not say, rather, that God permitted divorce as a concession, since the law was revealed by God through Moses?

The story of the rich young ruler also suggests the incompleteness of the law of Moses. When the man says he has kept God’s commands, Jesus knows that he does not understand the purpose of the law. The laws are limited expressions of eternal principles, limited words that attempt to point us in the direction of God’s original creation intention – Love!

Divorce is not the sin, just the symptom of sin, the symptom of unloving, unloved and broken hearts. Staying together is not the answer either, couples with dysfunctional relationships need radical heart surgery (for healing and correction). Tithing (giving 10% of wealth, according to the law of Moses) is not God’s original intention, but a limited law that points us in the direction of God first living and giving. Just because I have not killed anyone does not mean I have kept the law; Jesus point out that the heart of the issue is love and hate, a matter of the heart.

We need to look beyond the laws to the original intention of God in creation. Think of a law imposed on a young child: ‘do not touch the stove!’ Is this an eternal law, or a protective guideline? Obviously it is put in place as a protective, temporary measure, until the child can face the real issue of the danger of getting burned.

The law against divorce is just such a measure. The real problem is unloving, unloved and broken hearts. As long as these problems remain, divorce will continue, as will abuse, neglect, affairs, etc.

We need radical heart surgery. Being nice, giving to the church, not divorcing, not killing – these do not make us good or holy. They simply point in the direction of the heart of the law, as demonstrated by Jesus. Think again how Paul introduces the great love chapter (1 Corinthians 13).

Lord, I need Your love deep within, and only You can produce that in me.

One Comment

  1. Wherever Jesus went, the crowds followed Him. With the Son of Righteousness, there is healing in His wings.

    Once again the words – hard heartedness – jumped off the page – the hardened heart like Pharaoh. Man insists on going his own way and not the Lord’s way – the way God intended man to live. As Adam and Eve served in the garden, so we too must serve God in His kingdom and nothing should get in the way of that focus. Walking and talking with our Risen Saviour while we work joyfully in His garden. All too often, we go through the motions, but our heart is not in it. We are like the rich young man, who outwardly does what the law says yet inwardly has not given his heart to the Lord.

    Being a Christ follower is serving Him with all your heart, soul and mind. Love Him is the first commandment. Trust Him and then I will have true life. Lord, continue to be my guardian and Guide on my journey of learning to do all Your Way in my pilgrim’s progress.

    I serve a risen Savior, he’s in the world today;
    I know that he is living whatever men may say;
    I see his hand of mercy; I hear his voice of cheer,
    And just the time I need him, he’s always near.

    He lives, he lives, Christ Jesus lives today!
    He walks with me and talks with me
    Along life’s narrow way.
    He lives, he lives, salvation to impart!
    You ask my how I know he lives?
    He lives within my heart.

    Rejoice, rejoice, O Christian,
    Lift up your voice and sing.
    Eternal hallelujahs to Jesus Christ the king!
    The hope of all who seek him,
    The help of all who find,
    None other is so loving, so good and kind.

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