More like Barnabas

SCRIPTURE: Acts 15:36-41
“They parted company. Barnabas took Mark and sailed for Cyprus but Paul chose Silas.”(Acts 15:39)
Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus, was a generous man, nicknamed Barnabas (son of encouragement) (Acts 4:36-37).
When others feared the newly converted Paul, he stood by him (Acts 9:27).
Now he wants to give Mark, who had let them down in Pamphylia, another chance.
“My fellow prisoner Aristarchus sends you his greetings, as does Mark, the cousin of Barnabas. (You have received instructions about him; if he comes to you, welcome him.)” (Colossians 4:10)
Here we see that Barnabas was Mark’s cousin, which might explain his commitment to him.
But we also see that in the end Paul and Mark are reconciled… grace wins.
Everyone needs a Barnabas in their life, someone to believe in them when most others won’t.
A ‘son of encouragement’ who keeps rooting for you when everyone else has given up.
After all, we are talking about grace, and the God of 70 x 7 chances.
Paul should have known that grace can change even the worst of sinners (1 Timothy 1:16)
Thankfully he finally figured it out for Mark.
Do you need to be reminded about God’s amazing grace, even for the worst of sinners?
Are you an encourager, not giving up on people even when they fail big time?
May our lives be filled with many Barnabas’s, and may I be one of them!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You believe in me when I can’t believe in myself. Help me to encourage others with this same gift, so that they too can experience the blessing of Your life-changing grace!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Going back and revisit the believers – being encouragers, seeing if they are staying the Way, continuing the ‘watering.’
    But even among the missionaries there can be disagreement on who to take along for help. Past experience may have given a bitter taste. But when do we give another chance? Although Paul and Barnabas had different views on the matter and parted ways over their decisions, God’s Word increased and strengthened the churches. And we know that later these two were reconciled. God uses mysterious ways His wonders to perform. He is always at work using our differences, disagreements for His kingdom work. We must always look for the ‘God thing’ because I am sure that other believers were also affected by Paul’s decision. Churches are strengthened through the strengthening of its members, the people, for they are the church. All growth has its spurts and sputters. It is by His grace were can accomplish what we do accomplish. He gives the increase.

    1 Out in the highways and byways of life,
    many are weary and sad;
    are weary and sad
    Carry the sunshine where darkness is rife
    making the sorrowing glad.

    Make me a blessing,
    Make me a blessing,
    Out of my life
    out of my life
    May Jesus shine;
    Make me a blessing, O savior, I pray,
    I pray Thee, my Savior,
    Make me a blessing to someone today.

    2 Tell the sweet story of Christ and His love;
    Tell of His pow’r to forgive;
    His pow’r to forgive.
    Others will trust Him if only you prove
    true ev’ry moment you live.


    3 Give as ’twas given to you in your need;
    Love as the Master loved you;
    Be to the helpless a helper indeed;
    Unto your mission be true.

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