time alone

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 14
After sending them home, he went up into the hills by himself to pray. Night fell while he was there alone. [Matthew 14:23] How did Jesus do it, how did He handle the stresses and expectations placed on Him? In this reading we get a glimpse into the key to Jesus strength and power. He regularly spent time alone with God, tending His own soul.

John the Baptist was Jesus’ cousin, so it should not surprise us that when He hears of John’s death, Jesus needs time alone. We can assume that Jesus had at least a day to Himself before the crowds came, and I suspect it was that alone time that gave Him the strength to care for the crowds, even though He was still grieving. After the miraculous feeding, He again takes time to be alone and pray.

Jesus did not perform miracles because He was God. He emptied Himself of His God-privileges, and was fully human like us, limited and dependent [Philippians 2:6-7]. He depended on God, and God gave Him the power to perform miracles. That Peter walked on water shows that this was not just because Jesus was God. The same with the miracle of people touching His robe and being healed; this also happened to Paul [Acts 19:11-12].

Jesus suggests that if we abide in Him, we will do greater things than Him [John 14:12]. This is not a ‘power’ to be used at our own whim, but as God directs, as God provides. It is as we spend time alone with God, with Jesus, that we are refreshed and renewed and given the strength to make it through whatever challenges or opportunities the day provides. Yes, we will even be able to respond in ways beyond our normal abilities.

In this life we will face challenges: our days will not go as planned, people will make demands of us, people close to us will suffer and die, we will face temptation and persecution and disappointment and crises. The only way to stay on top of all this is to keep our eyes focused on God, on Jesus. When we do, like Peter we can walk on the wind-tossed waves of life; but when we get distracted and lose sight of Him, we start to sink.

If Jesus needed to be alone with God… so do I!

Lord, thank You for my time alone with You this morning. Help me make this a more regular occurrence.


  1. vs. 7 LORD, may I always be cautious with my words so that I am never forced to do / be a part of something that I will regret. May I always remember that it is You that I represent as I go about my life.

    vs. 13-20 Jesus is grieving but yet shows great compassion as He lays aside His own hurts to minister to the sick – after He took time to be alone with His Father! LORD, like Jesus modeled, may I draw strength and healing from You when life throws difficult and uncertainties at me.

    vs. 21 Tahnk You LORD for the reminder once again that nothing is impossible for You. Thank You for accepting our offerings and gifts, no matter how small, no matter how inadequate so that You might do great and mighty works beyond what we can understand.

    vs. 23 LORD, thank You for the promise that YOu are always waiting and ready to be alone with each and every one of us. Thank You for helping me to make time to truly be alone with You a priority once again and not just going through the motions of doing devotions. What a difference this makes in my life. Help me to guard and protect this priority so that the business of life doesn’t hinder this. I need You LORD! More of You in my life LORD, more of You!

    vs. 28-32 LORD, forgive me for the times when like Peter, I take my focus off of You and look at the ‘waves’ of life that are threatening to pull me under. Thank You LORD for always reaching out to rescue me when I cry out for You to save me yet again! Why LORD is this a lesson I must learn over and over again?

  2. John spoke out against the leader’s lifetstyle and was imprisoned. Herod executed him on a whim, without a trial, which was against the law. He was a law unto himself. The disciples in fear and trembling took the body and after burial, came to Jesus. In all of our life we need to come to Jesus.

    Jesus wanted to go to a solitary place, but because of His popularity, a change of plans. Christ often went to God in prayer in the quiet of the night, in times of difficulty, in times of daily happenngs to share, to talk to God, to be strengthen, to agonize, to cry out, to be with His Father. The loaves and the fish show us once again that we have the resources we need to do His work. God supplies our needs and there were left-overs. He supplies more than what we need! We serve a mighty, awesome God!

    After the miracle of the loaves and fish, Jesus went to pray. Once more, He spent time with the Father. Lord, teach me to set time aside to pray.

    Christ showed His miraculous power – stilling the storm. And Peter started to walk in the Way, yet His faith wavered. When we see our difficulies in the battle, we often fall. Increase my faith Lord so that I may walk in Your power. I need You every hour.

    What a Friend we have in Jesus,
    all our sins and griefs to bear!
    What a privilege to carry
    everything to God in prayer!
    O what peace we often forfeit,
    O what needless pain we bear,
    All because we do not carry
    everything to God in prayer.

    Have we trials and temptations?
    Is there trouble anywhere?
    We should never be discouraged;
    take it to the Lord in prayer.
    Can we find a friend so faithful
    who will all our sorrows share?
    Jesus knows our every weakness;
    take it to the Lord in prayer.

    Are we weak and heavy laden,
    cumbered with a load of care?
    Precious Savior, still our refuge,
    take it to the Lord in prayer.
    Do your friends despise, forsake you?
    Take it to the Lord in prayer!
    In His arms He’ll take and shield you;
    you will find a solace there.

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